Chapter 22

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"Naega mal haessjanh-a, jeonhwa hajima (I told you, don't call)."

I heard her sigh over the phone again.

"Taemin, nega jib-e ogil balae (I want you to come home)." She said calmly.

I shook my head.

"No. You abandoned me."

"Please," she said.

I closed my eyes.

No. Not again. I would not be tricked into doing whatever she wanted again.

"Annyeong (goodbye)."

Then I hung up one last time.

If she kept calling, I'd just have to change my number...

Damn it. Jimin.

Rushing back to him, he was already waiting for me, his eyes narrowed like he suspected me of something.

Damn it.

I tried to smile.

"Jimin-ah, what should we do today?" I asked him.

Jimin shrugged as I sat down next to him and put an arm around his shoulder.

He blushed.

"Don't you have work soon? You never told me what happened at that photoshoot the other day."

I swallowed.

That day. That day that I'd been so frustrated that I'd yelled at him. I'd caused all of this to happen... even Jimin being hurt by those bullies...

"You're right," I sighed.
Jimin paused a moment, and then leaned into me, putting his head on my chest.

I smiled. I didn't deserve him. Why did I get so lucky? Why was he with me?

"That day," I start, my fists clenching as I remember it.

"Hattie showed up at the shoot."

Jimin frowns. "Really? That bitch. Why?"

I smile at him. Protective little one...

"She just came to piss me off." I say. "It was like she's come pre prepared with mean things to say. I honestly felt bad for her, but then the director thought I was causing problems with her so he threw us both out."

Jimin shakes his head and sighs softly.

"Oppa, I'm sorry..."

I shrugged. "It was just a bad day. Nothing we can't come back from."
I didn't mention to Jimin that during that day, I'd also gotten what felt like hundreds of calls and texts from... her.

That just made everything that day topple to the ground.

I was too angry at Hattie and at my mother to even realize how lucky I was that Jimin was there...

I didn't want to tell Jimin-ah about my mom. He wouldn't understand why I couldn't go home. Why I couldn't see her.

I just wish she'd stop calling.

Jimin held onto me tighter and I spent a few minutes running my fingers through his soft hair.

I found myself wondering what his natural color was, probably black. I wondered if Jimin-ssi was as cute as a child as he was now... did he get along with his family?

I remember him saying that his parents and sister were living abroad.

"Jimin-ssi, will you do something for me?" I ask him.

He looks up and I feel my heart flutter. He looked so young and adorable.

"Anything Oppa." He said.

I blushed.

Jimin lowered his eyes. "...maybe not anything."

I laughed and Jimin bit his lip.

"Will you talk to me?"

"Talk?" Jimin seemed startled.

I smile at him. "What did you think I was going to ask for?"
He shook his head like he was trying to forget some thought.

"Nothing. Um, what do you want me to talk about?"

"When you were a child, what were you like?" I ask.

Jimin blinks.

"Why are you asking? Why now?"

"Please, little one..." I smile. "I just want to hear your voice."

Jimin blushes. "Okay."

He laughs nervously when I lay him down in my lap.

"Well, I only have a few memories of being a child. Like, going to the beach with my family. My sister used to dress me up in her clothes and we'd perform drama scenes for our parents in the living room."

I close my eyes. I could listen to him talk all day...

"My most vivid childhood memory is from when I was about six years old. I was standing on the toilet and I fell off and hit my face. My parents took me to the hospital. I had to get stitches on my eyelid. That's why one of my eyes is always more open than the other..."

I frown. It was too easy to imagine little Jimin running around and playing. It was hard to think about him being hurt. I bet he cried a lot.

"I'm sorry that happened to you," I say.

Jimin smiles. "It was okay. My mom bought me ice cream afterwards and let me sleep in their bed for a week."

I nod. "Good."

Jimin pauses.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"I was just wondering..." he says. "You never talk about your family."

I shrug. "Nothing to talk about."

"Are they alive?"

"Some of them."

"Then why-"

"Jimin-ssi..." I start. "You really wouldn't want to hear it. Remember, my family is all vampires."

He goes quiet, then says, "Okay."

I hated lying... maybe this wasn't lying. I don't know.

Jimin wasn't ready to hear everything that had happened between my mother and I.

And I wasn't ready to tell him. Not yet.

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