Chapter 31

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"Please wake up..." I heard a voice say, through the ringing in my ears.

I wanted to open my eyes, to see where I was... to see if he was still there.

But I couldn't make my body move at all.

"Jimin-ssi," I heard the voice say.

And I realized it was Taemin. Of course... obviously... his sweet calming voice was unmistakable. I don't know how I didn't hear it right away....

Ugh. My mind was fuzzy.

I wanted to sleep...

"Jimin," I heard Taemin say once more. His voice sounded strained all of a sudden.

"If you don't wake up," he nearly shouted. Then his voice was as quiet as a whisper...

"I think I'll die."
I felt a tug at my heart. Die? You? Dead?

My heart raced in fear as I struggled to open my eyes.

Taemin, hold on- I'm fine! I tried to say...

I heard something else... some kind of rustling noise.

Then Taemin gasped. "Are you waking up? Jimin, can you hear me?"

I tried to say yes, but as I started becoming more concise, my body finally remembered... everything.

"Hurts-" I heard what I think was my voice say.

The bullies on that dark street, beating me, smashing bottles, suddenly came to my mind.

I realised only now, that they'd gone easy on me.

Losers. They were nothing compared to the pain I felt now.

Ow... I wanted to see Taemin. I willed my eyes to open, and slowly... so slowly... they did.

The ceiling was familiar.

Oh. I was in my dorm. I felt safe here.

I breathed in deeply, but winced as pain shot through my chest.

Ow. Ribs.

I looked around for Taemin, and when I could finally- painfully- turn my head to the side, I saw him passed out in my desk chair.

Oh no. How long had it been since I'd heard his voice in my sleep?

Was he already dead?

His chest rising and falling peacefully dispelled that idea.

Taemin was sleeping... I shouldn't wake him up.

He must be exhausted. He never sleeps sitting up like this.

I don't know how long I'd been asleep, but he was still wearing what he wore the last time I saw him. Leaving out the door of his apartment, on his way to an audition.

Numbly, I found myself wondering how it went....

Probably good. Taemin looked beautiful- even now in his rumpled clothes.

... I shouldn't have tried to sit up...

Groaning, as white hot spikes of pain burst through my body, I fell back onto my bed, staring once again at the ceiling.

I heard Taemin waking up.

Fear shot through me. And I had no idea why.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly, then sat up and looked at me.

When he saw I was awake, Taemin did something I never thought I'd see him do....

He straight up burst into tears.

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