Chapter 10

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The lights flashed around us as the camera snapped pictures.

I could feel Hattie staring up at me, but all I could look at was him...

They'd stuck Jimin-ssi in a folding chair in the corner of the room. He watched me back for a while, our eyes meeting over all the talking and the lights. Eventually, I started seeing him yawn all the time... the next time I glanced over at him, I realized his eyes were closed and he was sleeping!

"Break!" One of the interns shouted. The lights dimmed and Hattie finally let go of me for now.

I walked calmly over to Jimin and smiled at his sleeping face.

Ah, this was too good of an opportunity to pass up!

Ah, this was too good of an opportunity to pass up!

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I grinned down at the picture...

He was adorable.

I only had a few minutes before I had to get back to work, so I bent down and started brushing the hair away from Jimin's face.

His eyelids moved and I watched as his full lips opened and closed.

I put my lips near his ear...

"Jimin-ah," I said softly. "Watch me."

When I looked back at his eyes, they were bright and open and staring at me.

"Oppa?" He whined, his voice breaking.

I laughed under my breath, putting a hand to cup his cheek.

I watched him blush.

"Watch me Jimin." I said again.

He blinked awake and sat up.

"Watch you do what?"

"I told you before that what I do over there in front of the camera is acting," I say.

Jimin nods.

I smile. "Not today. When you watch me up there today, know that I'm thinking of you. It won't be acting."

"What do you mean Oppa?" He asked once more.

"You'll see."

The music began again and they called me back up.

The theme for today was dark love. Hattie's black lace dress matched my suit.

I was excited that I wouldn't have to try so hard this time.

If I needed inspiration, all I had to do was look over at my boyfriend...

"I want a few of only Taemin!" Daeshim called.

Hattie frowned, but while she was a bitch, she wouldn't say no to an order like that.

They brought a black vintage couch to the set and told me to do whatever I wanted.

Okay... well, I looked at Jimin and I suddenly caught myself imagining kissing him...

Sitting on the couch, I gripped the arm of it as hard as I could until my hand was white.

I was trying to feel, and at the same time hold back my need for him.

It pumped through my blood like a tidal wave...

Jimin's eyes were still on me so I did what I wanted.

My fingers moved to unbutton my shirt. Only the first two, but I saw Jimin shift awkwardly in his seat as I did.

I smiled at him, my mind whirling with everything I wanted to tell him and everything I wanted to do.

We were on opposite sides of the room, but I felt like he was right beside me, his hands on my skin.

I closed my eyes, drowning out the sound of the camera and only focusing on the sound of my heartbeat. It was going crazy.

"Good! Alright we're done!"

I stood up and Jimin jumped up and ran over to me.

It appeared like he was going to hug me, but he stopped short a few inches away...

"What did you think?" I asked him.

"I think..." he began. "What do I think...?" He mumbled.

I smiled.

Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Hattie stepped between Jimin and I.
I was too shocked to say anything, but I heard Jimin yell something-

"You were good today Taemin, were you thinking about me?" Hattie said, smiling.

"No." I heard myself say, but all of a sudden Hattie was kissing me.

Revoltion swept me and I pushed her away.

"Saiko gyejib-ae (psycho bitch)!"

All eyes in the room were on us now.

"Yah!" Hattie exclaimed. "I know you want me! How could you not?"

"You disgusting creature, there is no universe where I could even tolerate you! It's a miracle I do in this one!" I said loudly.

Hattie pouted and I grimaced, wiping my lips off with the back of my hand.

I grabbed Jimin's hand and started walking away.

"You can't leave! My brother will get me what I want!" Hattie called.

"Then I quit."

I heard stunned gasps from everyone, but I knew I wouldn't regret it.

"Let's go," I said to Jimin.

He didn't speak, he just followed me outside and into the shade of a tree.

I glanced at him and his face was red.

"Jesus, what a lunatic..." I said.

Then I looked at him.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Did she push you?"

Jimin shook his head.

"I'm okay Oppa." He said.

I was trying to decide if I should believe him, when the door to the studio swung open and Hattie came out, her face totally furious.

"Jimin-ah! Run!" I said.

We climbed onto my bike and were out of there faster than I've driven in my life.

Jimin held on tightly as we sped though traffic.

Ugh, after all that, all I wanted was to curl up with him in bed and never leave...

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked over the noise.


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