Chapter 32

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Jimin had been gone for two weeks.

Not gone. Not dead.

But he might as well have been....

The day he left was the worst day of my life.

Jimin got on his plane two days after graduation, which I ended up attending for him.

Poor Jimin. He said he was okay with it, but I knew how much finishing school meant to him....

I dropped him off at the airport, that horrible day.

It was sunny out, but Jimin-ssi wore a jacket to cover his bruised arms.... It was all my fault.

Everything was.

He missed his graduation, he was hurt... he was leaving.

And worst of all, he didn't let me touch him.

Or, couldn't. I don't know.

I tried to hug him goodbye at the airport.

He just flinched and muttered, "I'm sorry."

Jimin. I'm sorry too.

I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.

My mother keeps calling. Still.

After everything...

She wanted me to attend grandfather's funeral.

I did not.

She wanted to know if I've been eating well.

I haven't been.

She wanted to see if Jimin and I were still together.

We weren't.

She got what she wanted.

Hattie also called a lit. So often, that I had to change my number. That didn't stop her from coming to my house.

And there was nothing I could do to stop that.

Yes, hello officer? I need to file a restraining order against my not-actual-ex-vampire-girlfriend. Yeah... we were never together, but she helped my vampire family kidnap and torture my non-vampire boyfriend.


After two weeks of not hearing anything from Jimin, I was a mess.

Nightmares. Not eating- food or blood. And not because I hated myself, but because I hated myself without Jimin.

A knock at my door startled me.

Probably fucking Hattie...

I opened the door. Let's do this, bitch.

It was my mother.

"Leave." I said.

"Come outside with me, Taemin." She says calmly. "I have something to show you."

"Then you'll leave?" I ask her.

She nods.

I follow her numbly outside. Not sure what I was expecting.

Oh. Wow.

This was a new low for my mother....

Reporters and paparazzi lined the sidewalk, already taking pictures and videos of me as I stepped outside.

My mom went to stand in front of them.

I glanced around, confused, and that was when I saw Hattie there.

Oh... what the hell?!

My mother started talking to all of the reporters, pulling me to stand next to her.

"As some of you know," she says, her voice unlike anything I'd ever heard...

"My son, Lee Taemin, will be announcing his engagement tonight, to the lovely; Hattie Jung."

As she says this, the cameras start flashing wildly, and Hattie comes to stand beside me, holding onto my arm.

I even see some people on the street, stopping to take pictures....

I suddenly can't help my hysterical laugh.

They all stare at me.

My mother, Hattie, the cameras, the people.

And, all at once, I'm struck with an epiphany.

"Do you want to say something?" Hattie asks me. "Oppa?" She whispers triumphantly in my ear.

Everyone waits for me to speak.

I feel like I'm floating... walking on air.

Screw the consequences.

None of these horrible people mattered. None of them.

The only person that mattered was thousands of miles away.

And it was about time I found him....

I stepped forward in front of the cameras, and they clicked away greedily as I smiled.

I felt both Hattie and my mother's hands on me. As if they owned me or something.

Ha! The one that owned me was Jimin. I needed him back.

Only one way to finish this all for good...

"Sorry, everybody." I smiled to the cameras. "There will not be an engagement today."

Everyone gasped, and I nearly laughed again.

"Actually," I say. "The person I'm meant to be with is all the way in America, so if you'll excuse me, I believe I have somewhere to be..."

And with that, I turn away.

Hattie looks sad, but not surprised. Good. There was never a chance with you, I try to tell her.

My mother suddenly hugs me.

"Taemin!" She hisses in my ear. "This isn't just about love. This is about family." She says.

I sigh.

I pull away from her.

"What would you know about family?" I mutter, staring into her eyes- my mother's eyes- one last time.

Then, with a shaky laugh... I get the fuck out of there and start packing.

Jimin, I'm on my way little one.

Deadly: A Vampire Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن