Chapter 35

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How could I have been so stupid?!

Did I actually let myself believe that I could start over?

Forget what happened...?

Jenny could tell there was something wrong with me at dinner....

I couldn't stop thinking about Taemin. He was here. Less than 10 minutes away, and he wanted to see me. Not just that. I was going to see him tomorrow!

Jenny frowned at me across the table.

When dinner was over, mom and dad stumbled back to their room, and I stood up to do the dishes.

Jenny came to stand beside me as I turned the sink in, and accidentally splashed some water in my eyes.

"Aish-" I cried, blinking.

Jenny giggled, covering her mouth.

Her eyes crinkled when she laughed, just like my dad's did. Just like mine did.

Taemin used to say he loved it when I did that.

I told him I couldn't help it, I just couldn't see when I was laughing....

"Are you okay, brother?" Jenny smiled sweetly.

I sighed. "You'll never believe who I saw today."

She raises her eyebrows. "Who?"

My heart skipped a beat as I said his name.


Jenny's eyes widened in recognition at the name.

"Wow. Here?"

I nodded my head. "Downtown. Outside the producer's office."

Jenny thought about this for a moment, then she laughed again.

"Jimin, I'm happy for you." She nodded.

I blinked. "Why?"

Taemin has just showed up out of nowhere and turned my life upside down again, just as he did when I first met him.

I was mad at him.

Jenny smiled at me.

"Not too many people are lucky enough to meet someone who loves them that much." She says.

I sputter. "Wha-what?!"

Jenny takes my hand gently in hers.

"Jimin, brother, this man has crossed oceans to be with you again. I don't know exactly what happened between you two, but I can guarantee he still cares about you."

I felt myself starting to blush.

Well... yeah... I mean... I knew Taemin still loved me.

I still loved him too.

I just didn't think I could let him near me again.

I wanted to, but earlier today when he'd tried to touch me, I flinched without meaning to again.

I desperately wanted to be normal... not have to think about vampires or torture... I wanted to be held by someone again.

I felt ruined.

Don't cry again, I warned myself.

"Are you going to see him tonight?" Jenny asked suddenly.

"Tonight?!" I gasped.

She laughed again- her eyes crinkling.

"I said I'd meet him for coffee tomorrow afternoon, Jenny." I sigh

She nods firmly. "Good."

Then she takes the plate out of my hands.

"Go to bed, brother." She smiles, then she kisses me on the head, like she used to when we were kids.

I smiled. I didn't flinch.

"I love you." I say.

She nods, her eyes fond and hopeful. "I know." She smiles.

I go back to my room. Should I listen to music?

I was too excited to sleep.

Excited? Why?

... I already knew the answer to that

I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow.

I'd told him we'd broken up.

And even though it hurt to say that, I only did it because I was afraid of my reaction to him reaching for me.

I was scared... I realized. Of not being enough anymore.

Ever since I'd moved here, I felt like a part of me was missing.

Clearly, that must be Taemin....

I took my phone out, my heart racing as I realized what I was about to do.

I pressed call.

My heart picked up... it was late... maybe he wouldn't-

"Jimin?" I heard.

He'd answered in the second ring.

I couldn't help my smile at hearing his voice.

"Oppa..." I blushed.

Wait, why did I call him? Damn it.

"Jimin," he seemed to sigh like he was relieved.

"I wanted to hear your voice." I say truthfully. "I'm sorry it's so late."

I could almost see Taemin shaking his head.

"No Jimin. Never worry about that. I always want to hear your voice too."

"I'm sorry about what I said today. I don't want to break up. I still want to be with you."

I hold my breath as I wait for his response.

But, Jenny was right. Taemin had traveled so far for me, with no guarantee that I'd be here. He just... did it.

Because he loved me. And I wasn't ready to throw that away.

I had to focus on the good he'd brought to my life.

Taemin sighed again.

"I'm really glad to hear that, little one."

Oh dear. My nickname made me want to go over there and see him right now....

I tried to keep my voice even as I said;

"Oppa, I missed you. I don't blame you for anything." I added.

"That's okay, I blame me." I heard.

My heart skipped a beat. "Please don't. It's over now."

Even as I said it, I knew it wasn't quite true.

But Taemin needed to forgive himself....

He paused, then said, "Okay, Jimin-ssi. Damn, I wish I was there to-"

He didn't finish his sentence, but I was pretty sure I knew what he was going to say.

I wish I was there to hold you, to kiss you, to remind you how good we were together.

I sighed. "I know. Me too."

"But you still can't let me touch you?" He asks.

I hold my breath. "I don't know." I answer.

Taemin is probably nodding now.

"Okay baby. Really, take your time." He says sweetly.

I let out a breath.

"I love you." I manage to say.

He smiles. I think he does. I can hear it in his voice...

"I love you too little one."

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