Chapter 38

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I still couldn't breathe.

Damn, that was almost too intense.

Jimin was collapsed beside me on the bed, his chest rising and falling to the beat of my own heart, as we both tried to come back down from the high....

I was so proud of him-

Not only did he let me touch him, but this was the first time Jimin-ssi took what he wanted, without even needing to ask, and without feeling shy.

I could lie here forever and listen to his heavy breathing... glance over at the satisfied smile on his face.

God, I wanted to flip over and pull him closer to me. Feel his hot skin against mine again.

But I made no move to reach for him.

Take it slow, I told myself.

Jimin-ssi had done a lot tonight. But still, always make sure he's okay.

"That was amazing." He droned lazily, blinking his dark eyes up at me.

I grinned. "It was."

Jimin-ssi blushed and smiled back. "I love you Taemin." He said suddenly.

My heart flipped.

"I- I love you too." I sighed. "Oh, little one. I need you."

He nodded. "I need you too."

And it was so true.

Jimin-ssi stretched his shoulders, his spine... he looked like a kitten.

I wanted to hold him.

"Can you handle my arms around you now?" I ask, aware of the tension in my voice.

I wanted him to say yes....

Jimin blinked at me.

"Let me hold you instead," he nods. "That will be better, for me."

I smile. It was a start at least. Skin on skin.

I flipped to my side, and then felt Jimin-ssi's chest against my back, as his arms wound around my arms and his hands grabbed each other. He pulled me close.

My heart was racing-

So warm....


It was slightly strange, since I was so much taller than him.... Jimin's arms barely came all the way around me, and his nose was pressed against my bare shoulder.

I laughed. "How can someone so tiny be my entire world?" I paused to think.

Jimin squeezed me and I laughed again.

"I love that sound," he sighed. "I love you."

I smiled. "You keep saying that."

"I know. I don't know why, it's just all I can think of."

I closed my eyes. "I love you too."

I fell asleep with Jimin's arms around me, like this time, he'll never let me go.

In a blink of an eye (I don't know how long I was asleep) I was awake again, and Jimin's arms were no longer around me, in fact, when I looked around for him, he wasn't there at all.

I shook my head tiredly, my mind still asleep.

When I really saw that Jimin wasn't in bed, my heart raced in fear-

What?! Where-

Suddenly he came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and another around his shoulders.

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