Chapter 29

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I was only slightly aware that my eyes were closed...

Was I asleep?

I might have been, but the air was freezing, and somehow I knew that I wasn't lying down in bed.

The wind bit at my face... I shivered...

Was that wind?

I blinked my eyes, realizing that my cheek was actually pressed against a cold stone floor. Why was I asleep on the floor?

My heart raced, when I remembered that there were no stone floors in Taemin's house. Or mine, for that matter....

My eyes widened in the darkness, and as I sat up groggily- my head spinning- my hand got yanked back, with a loud clank.

I frowned, peering closer at my arm.

My heart skipped a beat in panic when I saw the shackle, attaching me to a hook in the floor.

What the hell-

"Taemin?" I called out, into the empty dark room.

Suddenly, something flickered in front of me.

A faint light.

The chain on my wrist tightened, and pulled me back to the ground when I tried to stand up toward the light.

"Taemin, is that you?" I said again.

I was so confused. My head was still spinning... I don't even remember what I was doing when I fell asleep. Jesus. Where the hell was I?!

I could hear someone breathing, from where the light was flickering.

It certainly wasn't Taemin.

I blinked, trying to see better...

"Who are you?" I ask, the chains clinking again.

"We've met, Mr. Park." Someone said.

I almost didn't recognize his voice... but he spoke in a very familiar, chilling way.

Slowly pronouncing every word.

I gasped. "Mr. Lee?" I said. "Is that you sir?"

The light got brighter, and I realized that it was coming from some candles on the far wall in front of me.

Taemin's grandfather slowly came into focus....

I shook my head. "Mr. Lee, what is going on?" I asked, terrified.

He took a slow step towards me.

"My grandson is the only heir. And he's carrying on, more than just my name, but my blood too."

I blinked. Oh shit, this was about Taemin?!

"I don't want to die." He says. "But I realized, that as long as I have my grandson, I'll never be truly dead. I always took comfort in the fact that Taemin would continue the vampire tradition."

Now, he's standing over me.

"And then he met you." He snarls, suddenly raising his hand, as if he'd hit me.

I flinched, but he didn't actually do it.

He looked pissed though....

"Sir, please-" I tried to say.

He sighed again.

"Mr. Park, I love my family more than anything."

I almost started laughing. Really? You sure about that grandpa?

"Leave my grandson alone." He said.

I shook my head. "I can't. I love him."

Shit. Was I crazy?!

Taemin's grandfather's eye twitched. Maybe in annoyance?

"I know." He sighs again. "Thats why you have to die."

Time, and breathing seem to stop. My heart stills in fear.

"What?" I gasps even though we both know I heard him perfectly.

"I hope Taemin will forgive me, for doing what's best for him."

It's now, I finally realize, how absolutely fucked I am.

The chain on my wrist clicks, as I unconsciously- and stupidly- try to get up.

This time, when Mr. Lee raised his hand, he actually did hit me. Hard- a slap to the face.

I cried out and collapsed again against the ground.

My heart was racing.

Oh shit. How was he going to kill me?

I half heartedly wondered if I should scream. But I didn't know where I was. Who'd help me?

My mind went to Taemin, as his grandfather kicked me in the stomach.

Ow! I tried to get away, but the chain kept me from moving very much.

Taemin... I tried to say to him.

God, Taemin, I've never needed you more.

Save me.

Deadly: A Vampire FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ