Chapter 2

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I parked in two parking spots. Not because I'm a dick but because she is, and if I can do anything to piss her off, my life will have been somewhat worth it.

Walking into the building was just another day at work, but oddly enough it felt different today. I don't know if that was because I hadn't eaten recently or if the shock of someone jumping onto my motorcycle was still scrambling my brain.

Either way, I felt strange.

"Annyeonghaseyo, seonsaengnim (good afternoon sir)." Eun Ae smiled at me, her voice cheerful as usual. She stood behind the front desk.

I laughed at her formal greeting.

"Taemin-ilago bulleodo dwae, (you can call me Taemin) Kim Eun Ae. We've known each other for years." I say to her.

She smiles, "Photographer is here," she says in broken English. "Inside," she points to the glass door by the giant fancy elevator.

"Is she here yet?" I asked, walking toward the door.

Eun Ae nodded. "Geu an-e, seonsaengnim (inside there, sir)."

Sighing, I thanked her in Korean and opened the door.

People were rushing around, fixing lights, taping cords to the floor. The photographer was fidgeting nervously with his camera and I felt bad when I realised it was my fault for making him late.

"Ah! You're here!" He said loudly when he saw me.

"Daeshim Hyung, I'm sorry for being late. Some kid jumped on my motorcycle and made me take him halfway across town-"

He waved his hands frantically. "No time for excuses, get ready fast and I won't think twice about you being late." He said.

"Gomabseubnida (thank you)." I nodded.

Slipping into the dressing room, I dropped my coat on one of the chairs and suddenly three hair and make-up artists rushed inside. Some I'd seen before at various shoots.

"Jebal, anj-a jusio (sit please, sir)." The tall one said, gesturing at the chair by the mirror.

I did what she said and they started making me look beautiful.

When I was given this job four years ago, this part used to make me nervous. I mean, who feels comfortable having strangers do your hair and put makeup on you, all while commenting on how you look?

Now, I could have fallen asleep it was so boring....

When they were done, they went and knocked on the door, letting someone else in who was carrying a handful of clothes.

I also didn't mind this anymore. I got out of my clothes and put those ones on in seconds, not caring that everyone was staring and touching me- fixing the clothes and making sure they looked right.

When I left the dressing room, the set was completely different. More people had shown up, and they'd put a wooden stool at the center of the room right in front of the crisp white background. Lights shone on the set and music was playing from somewhere I couldn't see as the photographer took some practice photos.

That's when I saw her.

She was talking to her stylist and I think I caught the words, 'no parking' from her lips, right before she spotted me.

"Taemin Oppa!" She grinned, her dark eyes furious at me despite her smile.

One of my stylists patted me on the shoulder and whispered, "Haeng-un-eul bibnida (good luck)." Before she scurried away.

"Hattie Noona (older sister), so nice to see you today," I smiled at her as she got in my face, strategically positioning her body so that her chest was pushed up out of her dress.

"Don't call me Noona." She frowned.

"Well I'm not your Oppa, you are older than me." I smile.

Hattie was beautiful, but she was cruel. And only here because her older brother inherited the modeling agency.

"Are you prepared for work today?" She asked, and I watched her eyes travel up and down my body.

"I see that you are." I mumble, walking quickly past her and onto the set.

"Taemin!" The photographer, Daeshim, smiled. "We want lots of sexy photos today, this ad is for Aleumdaun Magazine!"

My co-star, Hattie came up next to me and nodded at Daeshim.

"Don't worry sir, we will both do our best!" She said, then she looked at me. "Am I right Taemin?"

"Of course," I managed to say.

This was the part I never got used to...

Hattie in the pictures with me.

The next two hours were bearable considering Hattie was usually worse. But as soon as it was over, I ran out of the building, calling back a goodnight to Eun Ae.

With my own clothes back on, I drove as fast as I could back to my apartment, letting the wind get rid of how Hattie smelled and how bright and hot the studio lights were.

At a stop light, I looked back and for some reason found myself remembering Park Jimin. That kid from earlier.

I was afraid when someone had suddenly jumped on and screamed at me, but then the fear turned to something else when I felt him grab onto my hip. I couldn't put my finger on what the feeling was until now. Curiosity.

When Park Jimin had jumped off, I'd finally seen who he was. An ordinary kid with a guitar. Dyed blond hair, striped shirt. Apologizing frantically to me when he realised who I was.

A car behind me honks and I realised I've been stopped at the light longer than I should have been. I speed forward and blush when I remember what I'd said to Park Jimin as I drove away....

I don't flirt with people. That's really not who I am, despite everything the press would have you believe.

So why did I tell him to call me 'Oppa'? Some kid, three years younger than me and why the hell was I still thinking about him, even when I parked and started up the stairs to my place.

I mean, it wasn't like I could go down to his school and ask him... No, it was obvious we'd never meet again.

Why did that make me sad?

Tossing and turning in my bed that night, I realised it's been a while since I'd eaten.

Screw it, I'd deal with it tomorrow.

I dreamed of that kid. Completely without meaning to, but there he was in my subconscious mind, holding his guitar to his chest and apologizing. Recognising me, saying my name....

Taemin Oppa?

I'd never see him again.

But I allowed myself today to think about him.

It would all make for a great story someday.

Yeah, one time some kid jumped on my motorcycle and screamed "Go!"

The world is funny in the ways it makes you meet people.

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