Chapter 42

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I was on the phone with the police when Jimin walked through the front door.

He was shivering, his face pink, his hair wet.

"Nevermind," I said into the phone. "He's here."

I hung up quickly and then stared at Jimin-ssi.

He leaned against the closed door and eyes me curiously.

He looked like I'd just caught him doing something bad....

I wasn't sure yet.

"Jimin-ssi," I started to say, but then I noticed he hadn't stopped shivering.

I frowned and grabbed an extra blanket from the couch, quickly going to him and wrapping it around his shoulders.

He leaned into me slightly, and suddenly I was hugging him tightly to me, relief flooding my heart as I felt him close.

Safe. Home.

"Never leave like that, Jimin." I scolded him, blinking tears away from my eyes. "I didn't know where you were."

Jimin pulled away, and I saw he'd been crying too.

"I'm sorry I ran, Oppa." He mumbles.

I nod. "Just don't do it again. Just stay."

Jimin nods back. "I need to talk to you."

There's something in his voice that makes me pause for a second, but then I decide it's a good thing that Jimin wants to talk.

Maybe he'll apologize-

"I want to become a vampire."

My fucking undead heart stops, and suddenly I can't breathe.

Is this what a panic attack feels like? I thought I'd forgotten, it had been years...

Jimin sees my expression.

"No, just listen to me, okay?" He begs, putting his hands on my arms to steady me.


Small, sweet Jimin. Little one.

Please, I don't want to see you dead-

"Sit down and talk to me." Jimin says again, his voice calm and even.

He sits next to me on the couch, and I'm still not aware of my own breathing.

Somehow, I manage to exhale one word....


Jimin doesn't look me in the eyes.

"After your grandfather hurt me-"

I gasp. "Jimin! Little one, are you sure?"

He blinks. "What?"

Pain at the memories slices through me, but I figure out how to breathe again.

"We haven't ever talked about that, are you really okay?" I ask.

Jimin looks up at me, and I'm struck with the feeling that Jimin was very different than he was a few months ago. Even a few weeks.

How have I not noticed how changed he was?

"I'm not scared about what happened anymore, Oppa." He says. "I'm only scared of what it made me."

I blink. "What do you mean?"

What did any of this mean?

"After, it, I felt broken. Terrified. I tried to go home, but I soon figured out that my home is with you... sometimes it scares me how much I need you, Oppa, in every way. And I want that forever. Not fake forever, real forever. And after the fear had left completely, only my need to be with you remained. It burns in my blood, the blood that I want to be yours."

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