Chapter 8

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"Aren't you busy today?" I asked him. "You couldn't come with me even if you wanted too?"

I heard the other boy sigh over the phone.

"Yeah. Could you at least come watch me for a few minutes before I never see you again for the rest of time?"

I smiled. "Where are you?"

I heard Jimin laugh. "Olympic Park."

Then he hung up.

While I was happy I'd be seeing him, this meant that since I had to go straight to work after, I was forced to wear my "costume" out in public.

I knew some models didn't mind this, but honestly, I didn't need one more reason to stand out...

Jimin was where he said he'd be, so I got off my bike and started walking towards him.

He was playing some song I'd never heard before on his guitar and singing... I really liked hearing him sing. Or maybe I liked watching him sing better, it was hard to tell.

Before he saw me staring, I noticed that the song's lyrics were actually about being in love with someone, but being too scared to admit it. I halfheartedly wondered if it was about me...

You know I couldn't tell you even if I wanted too,

How much you mean to me, and how much I care,

But keep me in your gaze a little longer baby,

And my confession is spoken everywhere...

The moment Jimin looked up and noticed me, he stopped singing and started smiling.

"Keep going," I told him. "Don't stop now."

He blushed, but kept singing and finished the song before he eventually stopped and looked back up at me.

"I'm glad you're here Oppa." He smiled, putting his guitar away.

Without warning, he ran over and hugged me.

As my heart raced with warmth, it also did the same with fear and I gently pushed him away.

Jimin seemed confused, but then he noticed what I was wearing.

Blushing, he looked away from me.

"Oppa what is that?" He said.

"Unfortunately it's not for you, I have work remember?"

Jimin smiled, "I didn't think it was for me." He said.

I wanted to say, 'I wish it was for you' 'I want to impress you', but instead I just smiled.

"Well, I have to go, little one..."

Jimin seemed used to his nickname now.

But he shook his head...

"You can't show up looking like that, and then leave just as fast." He whispered.

Blushing, I made sure no one could see when I took a step closer to him.

Jimin seemed to react instantly, his eyes latched onto mine and I watched as his breathing got faster. It always shocked me that I of all people had this effect on him...

"Well," I pause. "You could always come with me to work."

When I'd first met Jimin, he might have said something like, 'No, I wouldn't want to bother you like that'.

But that wasn't him now...

"I'll get my stuff." He smiled.

"You'll find any reason to stay with me, won't you, Jimin-ah..." I felt myself blush.

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