Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Wah..." Lucy voice was astonished as we stood in front of the building.

Nodding my head in agreement with the blonde haired female, a wide grin formed on my face as we continued to stare at the Fairy Tail guild building. I felt nervous by just standing so close the building and the endless possibilities that came with it. Natsu stood slightly in front of us, a backpack slung over his shoulder.

"It's... huge!" I said unable to come up with a word that could describe the building.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail." Happy said ass he jumped into the air and pulled out a pair of white wings. "Luuucy, Beeeeau."

I followed behind Natsu and Happy as the walked to the doors that was already slightly open. Laughter filled the air the closer that we got to the building and open doors. I could already tell that it was going to be a peaceful place.

"We're home!" Natsu shouted as he kicked the door completely open with Happy flying above his head.

"Natsu, Happy, welcome back." A female voice greeted the two Fairy members.

The voice belonged to a women that had long white hair, that curled towards the bottom, and large blue eyes. She was wearing a maroon dress that reached down to her ankles, showing a pair of maroon colored high heels that went with her dress. She stood with a smile on her face, while holding a tray of different drinks.

"You overdid it again. I read about the Harujion incident in the newspap...per..." I watched slight amusement as Natsu kicked the male that had started to talk.

So he was the guy that the 'fire mage' had been talking about.

"Bastard! That info you gave me about Salamander was fake!" Natsu shouted as the male went flying backwards and away from the overly dramatic mage.

Soon the whole guild fall into a world of chaos and it was all because of the 'fire mage'. This guild was indeed going to be peaceful. My grin remind on my face as I felt an itching to join in on the fun.

Chairs went flying through the air, along with bottles and anything else that someone could grab but I watched as the Fairy Tail members laughed and enjoyed themselves. The guild felt like the perfect place and was something that was sure to suit Lucy a lot.

I threw an arm around Lucy as the fighting continued. "We finally did it, Lucy. We finally got you to Fairy Tail." I said as a bottle came an inch to hitting me in the head.

Before Lucy had the chance to comment about the guild that she wanted to dream for so long a male voice came from behind us. "Did you say Natsu is back?" He questioned appearing next to me. "Hey, let's settle our fight from the other time!! Punk!!"

The male had spiky black hair, with a nice toned and muscular body that I didn't mind looking at. I notice that he had a necklace hanged around his neck as well. Yet something about his appearance made me think about that Ice Mage, Meko.

"Gray, have you been walking around like that?" A new voice joined in as she lend against a counter close to me and Lucy while observing what was happening as well.

The female had long shoulder length brown hair, a nice tanned body that could be seen from her lack of clothing, and big brown eyes. She was wearing a light blue bikini top, with a pair of capri pants. A wine glass was in her hands with a strain look on her face.

I looked back towards the male, Gray, to see a look of disbelief and horror flash across his face. "Hack! Shit!" The male mage shouted before he went after someone in the group of fighting Fairies.

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