Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three

"I'll start at the beginning." I said, looking at Natsu who was sat across the table. "Of course I'll keep it to just about Delma here and Luke so don't get your hopes to high pinky."

"Will you stop calling me that!" Natsu demanded, before stuffing his face once again.

I grinned. "First, before I start, Delma this is 'fake' Dragon Slayer Natsu and his friendly blue cat Happy. Happy this is Delma." I stopped the chuckle that wanted to escape as I ignored the strange look that appeared on Natsu face. "He's also a flying cat."

Natsu coughed, finding it hard to swallow his food.

"I meet Luke a few years back when I, uh, well came back to the main land. For a year I traveled with him and a few others." I began, playing with a piece of bread. "He was a Celestial Wizard but didn't have any of the golden keys just silver keys. I think he knows Lucy or something, not to sure, but it seems he loves to copy her style. He's got everything down to the hair color right.

"The last time I spoke to him was about a year ago. Delma wanted to go with him because he was "funnier" then me and wasn't set on revenge I suppose." I chuckled at that last part. "I have not one clue to why he tried to kidnap me or why he dragged you in."

Natsu stared at me.

And stared.

And stared.

I think I broke the 'fake' Dragon Slayer.

Shrugging I stood up from the table, making sure to throw some change to pay for my half of the meal. Hesitating I paid the rest of the bill before walking to the door. Delma quickly followed behind me, leaving Happy and Natsu to process the little information that they were given.

Yawning I stretched my arms above my head as I walked out of the building.

"You're angry." Delma said, his voice quiet.

I sighed, shaking my head. "Tired. I'm tired." I explained, looking at the flying cat. "I haven't seen you in a while and grew worried. What was I suppose to do without my partner."

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"You've missed out on a lot." I said, glancing at him. "I joined a guild. That's one of the guys who's in it. He's claims to be a Dragon Slayer but I ain't buying it. Then there's Lu. She's a dime unlike the others. Helped me when Red left. Joined me on my mission a few months back, give or take some."

"You joined a guild?" Surprise laced his voice.

I chuckled.

"A big one. You'll love everyone there but Happy's the only flying blue cat. Haven't seen another like him expect for you that is." I explained. "There's a few things that will actually surprise you."

* * *

"That's not how you do it!" I growled, snatching the bat out of Natsu's hand as we walked through the town. "I thought you'd actually be smart with this." I mumbled, shaking my head at him in shame.

"Do they always argue like this?" Delma asked.

"Aye." Happy agreed. "But usually Lucy is around to put things straight or Gray."

I shoot the blue cat a look. "That ice freak is nothing!" I snapped, before looking back at the stick. "Watch and learn, ladies. This is how a real Dragon Slayer does magic."

The sound of hammering greeted us as we approached the guild.

"I am a real Dragon Slayer!" Natsu shouted.

I grinned. "Oh really? Then why couldn't you do... THIS!" The bat busted into flames like the dealer said it should. "I know, I know, I'm awesome."

"Awesome! You cheated!" Natsu accused.

"You wanna go pinky!" I taunted, watching as the bat flames died. "Aw, that didn't last long."

"Stop calling me that! I do not have pink hair!" Natsu shouted.

I looked at him, my grin widening.

"Ya you do." I tossed the bat towards him. "Just ask anyone. Happy?"



"Don't drag me into your fight."

"See they agree."

Natsu head turned towards Happy. "My hair is not pink! Why are you betraying me Happy."

I laughed. "Because I'm right... Why do I feel like we're getting stared at?" I asked, walking towards past the gates that lead to the guild we were rebuilding. "I must be imagining things. Wonder if Lucy's here."

Pink Haired DragonWhere stories live. Discover now