Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I sat on the bench next to Lucy, my backpack on the ground and a hat covering my face. It had been decided that Lucy would be going with the newly formed and strongest team, while I merely just tugged along to see just how strong Erza was. It seemed like Mira had already assumed that I would be going along with them, without even asking me.

Maybe the reason was because I declared that Lucy was going to be my partner and that I wasn't going to share her with Natsu. Or possible because it seemed that Lucy and I worked well together even if we haven't gone onto a job together since joining the guild. Or maybe because Mira knew that I would be to bored to stay behind.

Either way it still ended up with me sitting at the Magnolia station with Lucy while we waited on Erza to show up. Gray and Natsu stood slightly in front of us, glaring at each other. Just what was Erza thinking by wanting the two of them to work together.

"Why does that monster Erza need our help." Natsu complained.

"How would I know? Besides, if she does need "help", I alone would be sufficient." Gray challenged back.

I had a feeling that the two of them was butting heads, even without me needing to see it with my own eyes. We had one long trip ahead of us.

"Than why don't you go by yourself!? I don't want to go!!" Natsu complained angrily.

"Fine, then don't come!! Get yourself killed by Erza afterwards!!!" Gray snapped back.

The sound of the two of them fighting came to me, as well as them crashing into someone and knocking things to the ground. Just who did those two think was going to pay for that mess they was making. And we hadn't even started the job officially yet.

"You two are causing trouble, so just shut up!!" Lucy shouted as she let out a huff. "Geez! Why can't you get along with each other?" She questioned them.

"Why are you here anyway?" Natsu asked.

"I"m coming because Mira asked me to." Lucy said as she continued to hold plue in her arms.

"You aren't doing a very good job." Happy comment, as he continued to chew on a fish.

"They're hopeless." Lucy let out a sigh.

I smirked under the hat but remained quiet. "Sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?" Erza voice suddenly appeared.

"No, not really." Lucy answered sounding happy that the other female had finally arrived.

Reaching up I tilted the hat so that I could see what was happening. My black eyes first came to Natsu and Gray as the two of them started acting buddy buddy with each other before landing on the late arriving female. A grin playing as I notice all the stuff that she was bringing with her.

"Wow, look at that luggage!" Happy exclaimed.

"All those belong to you!?" Lucy asked in surprised.

"It's time to go good buddy."

"Aye, haha."

I bite my lip to stop from laughing at their facade. "Listen one Happy is enough. We don't need to!" Lucy shouted at the two male wizards.

"Good, I really love to see the two of you getting along." Erza commented as she looked at the two males that was obviously faking it. "What was was your name? I believe I saw you at the guild yesterday."

Standing up I placed the hat back onto my head and stood next to Lucy. "I'm a new member, Lucy. Mira asked me to tag along so that I could learn a thing or to." She explained. "I hope that's okay with you."

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