Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Third Person POV

Screams rang out as the moon once again raised on the third day.

"Let her go!" Natsu shouted, struggling against the chains that held him. "Let her go!"

"Relax, Sweets, we're only playing." A male - that looked oddly like a young blonde hair female Celestial Wizard - grinned as he pulled back with a knife that dripped with blood. "Nothing will happen to little ol Beau here until the Boss gets her."

Beau knew this man and knew that this mess they found themselves in wasn't something to joke about. The sound of keys clicking together told Beau that he was walking away from her and towards her friend. Taking a deep breath she opened her eyes.

"You're boss will never get me, Luke." Beau growled. "I'll get free and I'll rip you to shads. Then I'll do the exact same thing to everyone in this camp that touched one hair on my friends and Delma." She threatened her eyes going to a dirt covered Natsu, and then to a crate that held two small felons.

Luke laughed, his light brown eyes holding a coldness to them.

"You won't get free, Sweets." Luke said, turning his attention that he was ordered to catch and bring back. "Just ask little ol Neclon here. It seems that some of these silver keys can be more dangerous then it appears."

Beau tugged on the ropes to try and get at him. "She can't keep this up forever and neither can you! Do you really think you'll be able to held back a dragons wrath when you mess with her family!" She shouted, struggling to call her flames to life. "I'll get my fire back and it won't be pretty when I do!"

Luke shrugged, "Relax, Sweets. We still have a few more days together before I hand you over. You should've known it wouldn't have been that easy to get away." Luke turned walking away from the young female wizard.

Beau shoulders shagged as she still continue get free of her chains. This mess was her fault and she needed to fix it. She blamed herself for dragging Natsu into this whole thing and hoped that one day he would forgive her.

Though she couldn't blame him if he didn't. She after all did put Happy in danger.

"Beau." Natsu called out. "Beau, are you okay?"

A small forced smile appeared on her face. "I'm fine. Just keep working on getting out of them chains, pinky." Beau tried to joke, to make light of this problem. "I'm fine."

"I'm going to bust us out of here." Natsu said, his chains rattling once again as he struggled against them. "And I'm make him pay!"

Beau didn't doubt Natsu for a second. Shes seen how far he was willing to go for a friend, or even a guild mate. Luke had done much more then hurt Beau in the three days that he had them.

He's favorite time to hurt her was win the sun went down.

"Let's just focus on getting out of this mess. I doubt the others have noticed us missing yet and I don't want to draw any unwanted attention." Beau mumbled, looking towards the ground.

Little did Beau know that she was wrong. Someone had noticed the pair missing and was taking action at that moment to find them.

The night slowly passed and Beau started to feel that magical energy in her. She struggled against the ropes, looking around to make sure that no one was paying too much attention to her. A small grin formed on her lips as it seemed that their escape was happening sooner rather then later.

Fire burned around her wrists, the ropes falling to the ground as she found herself free of her restrains. Looking around she moved through the dark camp and towards Natsu who seemed to be able to sleep at the worst of times.

The 'fake' dragon slayer really needed to know when to pick his battles.

Before reaching him Beau found the crate that had their friends in it and opened it. Her eyes falling on a shaking wide awake Happy, and completely bandage Delma. Pain was clear on her face as she let them out.


Happy nodded, knowing that it was best to follow her lead. Following her lead the two cats quietly followed after her and to Natsu. Flames surrounded a hand giving light to the otherwise darkness.

She grabbed the chains, watching them melt before dropping the male to the ground. "Should've been awake, pinky." She mumbled, grinning as he rolled groaning on the ground. "Let's get out of here before they realize I have more fire back and decide to cage us again."

Natsu, unwillingly, followed behind her.

"We should've sent them into next year." He grumbled. "Taught them not to mess with Fairy Tail." He growled. "Beat them into the dirt until they couldn't get up."

Beau smirked, making sure to keep a hold of Natsu white scaled scarf.

"How about I do one better." Beau said, glancing over in time to watch Natsu almost fall. "I'll tell you all about why Luke looked so much like Lucy and why he tried to kidnap us."

"And who this black cat is!" Natsu argued.

Luke left his tent to find the missing prisons and someone standing in their place. A faint look appeared on his as he grimaced. He hadn't continued on this person showing up.

"I told you to leave her alone."

"You know I can't do that, Red."

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