Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

Erza finished wrapping the bandage around my chest, making sure that it got tied in the back. The others were in another room with an unconscious Natsu. Lucy and Gray weren't nearly as bad as we all first thought, and neither was Juvia. Erza and Natsu ended up being the worst out of everyone and both needed rest, but while Natsu passed out the second everyone jumped onto Erza, the female herself managed to stay awake.

"How did you deal with the pain?" I asked, staring at my hands.

Erza sat next to me. "Everyone at the guild helped me." She said as I looked at her. "Natsu, Gray, Mirajane, Lucy, You, and just everyone there helped to show me that there was more to life."

I laughed, the tears in my eyes burning. "Friends." I just couldn't believe it. "Friends made you into this magnificent person who fights darkness with her own light. Where were you guys when I needed you?" My voice cracked.

"Beau, did you... were you put in a place like that?" Erza cautiously asked.

I stood, taking a step away from Erza as my eyes darted around the room.


"Atlas! Atlas!"

I struggled, finding myself not match for these men that found me. Where was he? Atlas was supposed to have returned already but he hadn't.

"Be quiet girl." One of the humans snapped.

He smelled different from the humans that I had come across before. It was like decay was attached to his odor. He was around death constantly it seemed.

"Stay away from me!" I growled, looking between the two humans as I managed to worm free once again. "Atlas won't be happy if you don't leave! He'll rip you to shards. He doesn't take kindly to those who enter his nest."

He wasn't happy with humans in general. I don't know why he even took me in. He always said that I'll understand when I'm older but what would I understand.

"Are you sure she'll be useful?"

"Of course. He sent us here because of her. Why else do you think we traveled so far."

What did they want with me?

"I won't warn you again! I might look small but I'm not defenseless. Dragons don't like our nests being messed with."

The two humans laughed. "She thinks she's a dragon." They step another step towards me. "We better hurry. Boss said we wouldn't have a second chance to get her."

Turning I made a break for it, my bare feet pounding against the earth. I dived, sliding into the small crack in the mountain's wall. Wind nipped at my feet as I rushed back into a standing position to go deeper into the cave.

Atlas said that one-day humans might come for me. That they wouldn't allow a human child to live with a Dragon and be raised by one but I wasn't a human child! I refused to believe that I was one of their kind.

He told me stories about how cruel humans could be. How they turned on each other and fight wars. How they didn't give back to nature like they should.

They took magic for granted.

He taught me differently and showed me that I didn't have to be like that. I could give back to nature what I took. I could show that I cared for the plants, the fire, the earth around me.

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