Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I stared down at the bar counter top, deep in thought about the story that Mirajane had just told about Natsu. "So," I mumbled after the tale came to an end. "Igneel really did raise that lame brain." I continued before looking up from the counter and towards the guild hall door that the said male had just left out of.

"He'll be fine." Mirajane said as she placed a cup of water down in front of me. "Just give him time."

Picking up the drink I remained quiet as I sipped on it. "Mira," I called out after watching Lucy go after Natsu to join him no doubt in whatever recklessness he was sure to cause. "What type of job do you reckon I should take?" I asked, realizing just how broke I really was at that moment.

"Seeing as you're new to the guild I would go with something easy or try to get one of the other members to show you the ropes." Mirajane said as she turned and walked away with me, delivering drinks and food to others in the guild hall.

I nodded taking her words into account before I stood up and walked to the job request board. There was no way that I was going to pick something easy or it wouldn't be the slightest bit fun to begin with. My eyes scanned over the different jobs before stopping on the spot that Natsu had punched in.

Reaching a hand out I pulled the paper free to see what type of job he had been looking at. "Hummm." A smile formed on my face as I turned with the paper and walked back to the bar counter where Mirajane was. "Something as easy as this?" I asked, holding the paper out for Mira to see.

She stopped wait she was doing for a second before looking back at me. "I would think that it would be better to find something else for your first time." She said with an amused tone.

"Nonsense, if that wanna be mage thinks he can do it than so can I." I called over my shoulder as I started to walk towards the door. "Just you wait and see, Mira. I'll have this job down in less than 4 days!" I shouted before disappearing into the night just like Natsu and Lucy.

One Day Later

The sun was setting over the horizon as I finally made it to the village, humming a tone as the journey took longer than I expected. I knew that it would have been faster if I had just taken a train or even a carriage but found myself enjoying the long and very tiresome walk. At that time I hadn't felt like dealing with motion sickness, before the job even started.

A sensation of gloom and despair seemed to overshadow the village that I found my job to be in. The houses were dark and almost empty looking, giving me a feeling that they were scared of something or someone. Letting out a sigh I reached into my pocket, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper to see who had requested the job.

The wind blew against my back, blowing pieces of my light red hair in front of my face. My scarf tugged slightly with the wind, showing half of black Fairy Tail mark on my chest and right above where my heart would be. A backpack was slung over one shoulder as I continued to looking around, trying to spot someone or even the mayor's house.

My humming died down as I tugged on my black and gold trimmed waistcoat. My black eyes scanned around the village as I walked around until I came a house that was bigger than the others. A strange but familiar smell filled my lungs as I walked to the door. A smell that I had came into contact with recently, peppermint and sulfur.

Shaking off the familiar like smell I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

Two Days Later

I felt as my body slammed into the side of the mountain, rocks pushing and poking into my exposed back, as I fall into the trap that had been set for me. A male arm was pushed against my throat, pinning me to the rocky wall, as the male looked down at me with dark brown eyes. His face was hidden behind a cloth, much like the others, but their smells was something that I would never forget.

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