Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

Third Person POV

Beau and Natsu separated, the male choosing to fly through the window and towards the top as the game started, while she decided to find the others. If there were three others entering this game that they had to defeat she didn't want to chance Lucy facing one of them alone.

She raced down the halls, shouting for her guild-mates and Lucy. Delma flew after her, keeping an watchful eye out for any enemies she'd risk ignoring.

The sound of someone shouting caught Beau ears, causing her to change direction.

Beau arrived, watching as a male fall to the ground.


A card fall with Erza pounding to get out of it. Beau caught the scent of flesh blood in the air, her nose wrinkling.


"Let me out of here!" Erza shouted, trying to get out.

"Well, well what do we have here, another Fairy and Erza." Delma moved, grabbing the card that Erza was trapped in.

"Beau! You have to run! She's to powerful for you!" Erza shouted.

Beau kneeled next to the male that she knew Erza cared about before standing up. "Protect them, Delma." She ordered, staring at the person who seemed to have done this. "And get them out of here."

"Beau --" Delma was worried for her. "I can't just leave you."

The sword moved, the wind slicing through the air and towards the floating cat. He screamed, one of his wings getting hit while causing him to fall.

"Delma!" Beau shouted, her fists clenching.

Beau moved as the women started attacking them once again, placing herself between her friends, and the enemy. Her arms crossed in front of her as Erza shouted to be let out of the card and for them to run.

Slices appeared on Beau as the the wind from the blade cut into her. Her teeth clenching together as she made no noise. The dress she was wearing got tore to shards as she faced the attack alone.

As the last one hit her, Beau grinned.

"Is that all you have?" She asked, knowing that this fight would be difficult. "Can you still move, Demla?"



"I think so."

Beau nodded, before pushing off at the enemy. "Then take them and RUN!" Beau fists slammed into the sword, her attack doing little damage.

"You can't hope to defeat me." The women laughed, knocking Beau backwards. "I'll defeat you and then get Erza."

Beau moved her arms, sending blast of fire in her direction. "I'll get past you and then to the person behind this mess!" She shouted, slamming her first into the wooden ground.

"Beau! We can't leave her!" Erza shouted, watching as Delma listened to Beau.

He transformed once again, ignoring the large cut that appeared on his wing. He moved, helping the person on the ground and pulled them towards the exit. He would get them to safety and then return to Beau.

He wouldn't leave her alone again.

"You have some skill." She said, her eyes going to the three making an escape. "But you don't stand a chance against me."

Beau screamed in pain as she moved just in time to stop the next attack that had been aimed at her friends. She didn't even see the sword move but knew where it would've been because she would've thought the same.

She fall to her knees, the last wound deeper then the rest.

Tears formed in Delma eyes but he didn't turn back like he wanted to. He ignored the screams, the explosions, and moved back down the hall they had came up. He wanted to go back and help Beau.

He wanted to fight.

To protect the female that hatched him, and raised him.

That became his friend even if he was different because she was different too.

Standing back up Beau whipped her hands off. "Party's time over, lady." Flames wrapped about her body. "Lets get serious."

Flames headed straight towards Beau who grinned. She held her arms out and pulled the fire into her body feeling as it gave her all the more energy she needed. Kicking off Beau sent another punch at the swordswomen.

Moving from the punch, Beau whipped around and through her leg out to kick her. She was protecting her family and had to believe in herself. She couldn't allow any weakness to show.

Beau move backwards as her kick didn't work either. She panted, scanning for a weakness.

Swords play wasn't in Beau fighting abilities. She had always left it to Red or Meko.

"This is boring. I'll end this in one move."

The two went at each other, both passing the other as their attack struck home. Beau felt it, her body collapsing under her. This wound wasn't anything like Reds but Beau knew that it was enough to knock her out of the game.

Beau body hit the floor, revealing the winner of the two.

"Now I have to get them."

"No." Beau reached out, her vision blurring. "I can't lose." Her hand fall to the floor as she fall into the darkness that she didn't want to accept.

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