Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I sat my hands resting in my lap as I looked towards the four that laid passed out. Lucy remained quiet, noticing that I wasn't in the mood to answer any questions that could be directed towards me. I had woken up shortly after four more of my guild mates showed up injured.

"Beau." Lucy said, grabbing my attention. "It's no your fault."

Nodding, I looked once more towards Levy. Her body, like the others, was covered in battle marks something that would appear if they had been fighting against a strong opponent. She had gave it her all but still ended up like this.

I blamed myself knowing that if I had managed to beat Red I could have warned the guild. I could have done something to stop this from happening. Of course I blamed myself because I was once again to weak to protect something that I cared about.

But there was one thing I knew at that moment and that it wasn't Red that had caused this damage to them. It was someone else from his guild.

"How long do you think it'll be before they get better?" I asked, looking towards the blonde haired female.

Lucy thought about it before giving me an answer. "A couple of days is what the doctor said. They don't have your magical healing abilities." I nodded, knowing that I had healed faster than they thought, all expect my one wound.

My hand fall to the side of of my stomach, touching the spot that was still bandage.

"The guild will make them pay." I said, wondering who would end up going against Red.

Lucy nodded in agreement. "Yes, they are heading that way to do it now." She said.

I already knew they had left to do it. Of course I had wanted to go along but I found myself staying behind unwilling to argue with the Master about me not needing rest. I already knew that I wasn't in any condition to fight again, even more so if it was against him.

So instead I promised to remain in the hospital until they returned and I got news on what happened. Lucy also stayed behind, wanting to spend a little more time with Levy.

"We'll win, right?" I asked.

Lucy nodded, looking towards me. "Yes, we'll win. Natsu and Gray, even Erza, already made a vow to kick those that harmed both you and these four. Natsu going a step farther and promising to make sure that Red couldn't walk for a week at the least." Lucy said, as doubt filled me at Natsus vow.

Why would he be willing to go so far for someone like me? We didn't like each other.

"We'll wait and see." I mumbled, looking once again at Levy before my eyes went to Jet who looked the worst out of them. "We'll see."

A silence settled between us again neither me or Lucy finding ourselves willing to say anything. I shifted in my chair, knowing that I would soon have to return to my bed and get more rest before everyone else returned.

Letting out a small sigh I thought back to the day before.

I watched Red, wondering just what he could possible be thinking. Of course I would protect my guild, my friends. I had became very close to Lucy over the months that I knew her.

"I don't want to fight you." Red said again, shaking his head.

"That's to bad, Red." I said as fire surrounded my hands. "You already threatened someone that I care about. You of all people should know that I can't forgive something like that."

I moved, pushing my hills into the ground for added speed. My black eyes looked with his as my heart cracked once again. This was the only way that I could protect someone close to me while pushing someone else that I hold just as dear away.

Red moved, his hand knocking into my shoulder causing me to stumble.

"You can't beat me."

I swung my leg around, aiming for a solid kick. I felt as his grabbed my ankle stopping it from hitting him where I wanted it to. Fire surrounded the area that he grabbed but Red didn't let go. I glared at him, noticing how he had changed into a different suit of armor.

"We'll see about that." I growled, feeling him let my ankle go. "Someone has to beat some sense into you."

I moved a few steps back, watching as a sword appeared in his hands. I knew that the fight was really getting ready to start. There was no turning back now.

"Go home, Lu." I said, looking towards my blonde friend. "You look as tired as I feel."

Lucy smiled towards me. "Well you did have Erza and me running around last night looking for Master. Who would have thought he was actually dead sleep in his room." Lucy said, shaking her head. "Erza about murdered him for not waking up when we had first went there."

I chuckled slightly.

"Still I'll be here with them. Don't worry about Levy, Jet, or Droy. Nothing else will happen." I said, my eyes flickering to the fourth member that I didn't know. "Nor will anything happen to her."

Lucy nodded as she got up. "I'll come back when everyone returns." Lucy said, stretching her arms. "I know how much you want to get out so just wait a little longer."

I nodded watching as Lucy left the room to go back to her apartment. I laid my head down on Levys bed, hoping that the three of them would wake up soon. Than I could apologize for what happened.

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