Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

A tired sigh escaped me as we made our way back towards the guild. We had been able to easily leave the place as we found it to be completely empty. My backpack and hat had been placed next to the exit like it was waiting for me, along with Grays shirt.

I found no clears to what I wanted. No signs that they had been there for a while. Nothing that would help me in the long run. It felt like I had wasted the hours that we had spent looking.

"We should make camp soon." Gray said as we continued to walk.

Taking a deep breath I got ready to answer when different scents filled me. "Food.." I mumbled as I stopped. "Someone's cooking out here."

I turned sniffing the air before taking off in the direction that I could smell the food from. As I got closer to the source of the smell I heard voices, familiar voices. Breaking out from the forest, I found myself on a dirt path that followed a river.

"Hey! Wait up!" Gray called out from behind me.

Dashing forward I ignored his calls as the smell of food got stronger, and the voices got louder. "Luucy!!" I shouted, as I sprung at the girl and pulled her into a hug. "Oh Lucy! It was horrible! Just horrible." I cried as I kept my arms around her.

"Beau? What are you doing here?" Lucy asked as she patted my back.

"I thought I smelled you." Natus said as he took another bite of his food. "What are you doing out here anyways?"
Choosing to ignore the pink haired male I turned my attention fully onto Lucy as I pulled back. "He was going to starve me! Who in their right mind goes hours without eating and refuses to catch something to eat!" I cried out as Lucy continued to stare at me.


The sound of approaching footsteps appeared. Seemed like he was able to find me after all.

"Fooood, Lucy, I need fooood." I complied as I looked at the fish cooking before looking back at her. "Feeeeed meeeeee."

A look of unsureness formed on her face but she nodded her head anyways. "Sure have one. What are you doing out here anyways? Are you alone?"

"What did I say about waiting up." Gray sounded as he came to a stop panting from trying to stay caught up with me. "Fire Freak?"

I looked up from the fish that I was chewing on.

"Ice Princess? What are you doing!?" Natsu demanded as he looked shocked to see Gray out and about. "And why was you with her!"

"I have a name." I mumbled before shoving the rest of the fish into my mouth making me unable to talk until it was down the hatch.

Lucy looked back and forth, no doubt confused about what was happening. "And you! Stop eating my hard earned food!" Natsu shouted realizing that I was reaching for me.

I pouted at him. "Princess there was helping me with something I had to take care of. Mira didn't want me blowing houses up again." I replied leaning my head on Lucy's shoulder as a yawn escaped me.

"A mission?" Lucy asked as it seemed that she didn't care that I was using her as a resting place.

A smile formed on my face. "Mhmm no, something else. We didn't find what I needed so it was unsuccessful anyways." I answered, listening with my eyes closed as Gray sat down somewhere.

"Share you fish." He demanded.

"Get your own." Natsu snapped.

"No way. You already have someone."

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