Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

We hid behind a few rocks staring at the guards that lined the stair way up. The motion long since disappearing as got onto the island. We didn't need to get caught so soon.

"That's a lot of guards." Gary said, kneeling beside me.

Lucy struggled to hold Natsu back. "Who cares? let's plough through 'em." Natsu snapped.

"No way!" I moved, grabbing the back of Natsu's suit as Lucy spoke. "They've got Erza, Happy, and possible Delma. If we do something stupid, we'll put them in danger. That tower thing is just ahead. If they find us here, we won't stand a chance."

Lucy had a point.

"Relax, Natsu." I snapped, pulling him back to the ground. "We can't afford to do something stupid. I'm all for punching those guys and getting Erza and then as far from this place as anyone but we can't do that if they get the upper hand."

A noise came from behind us. Looking over towards the ocean that we came from I saw Juvia pop up.

"Juvia has found another way into the tower's basement through the water." She said, moving toward open land.

"Seriously? Great job!" Gray exclaimed.

She was already such a big help.

"The one who was praised was not you. It was Juvia." She said, getting into Lucy's face.

Did she have the hots for a certain stripper? I wondered.

"Its a journey of about 10 minutes underwater, but holding your breath that long won't be problem, right?" She asked.

"Yes." I mumbled, dropping to the ground.

I still couldn't swim and nothing was about to change that in the next couple of seconds. Looks like I'm going to have to do it the hard way. I'll have to right the guards outside the tower and bust in myself.

"10 minutes is nothing!"


"Of course it's impossible!" Lucy voice rose in disbelief.

Juvia nodded before a ball of water appeared in her hands. "Please wear this. It uses water to enclose your head with oxygen, so you can even breath underwater." She explained handing one to Natsu before Gray and Lucy.

I shook my head, waving it off.

"Oooo! By the way, who are you?" Natsu asked.

"Moron." I mumbled before sitting up. "I can't swim and I rather not drown. I'll give you 10 minutes to get inside and then all hats are off."

"You can't take them alone." Lucy said, looking towards the rocks.

"Sure I can. I'm in Fairy Tail." I smirked, patting her shoulder. "I'll see everyone inside and if I don't then I'll just presume you didn't make it."

"Lets go." Juvia said, the sound of water splashing told me she already went in.

"We can't just -"

"She'll be fine. We have to get to Erza." Natsu said, sounding unlike himself.

I watched from the corner of my eyes as Natsu and Lucy went as well.

"You better make it." Gray threatened.

"Of course I will, Princess."

Finally I was left alone. Letting out a sigh I pulled the scarf off and tied it along my arm so that I couldn't lose it. I wouldn't need to use all my magical energy up on these guys and if I didn't have to call my flames I didn't need to use it on both my arms.

Everything in me told me to turn and leave. I shouldn't be here but these people took someone important to me and I couldn't let them get away with it. Even if I did leave I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

No one should've gone through this pain. Let alone Erza being that someone.

I moved, knowing that I had given the group more then enough time.

"An intruder!" I cracked my knuckles as I walked towards them. "Just who the hell do you think you are!"

"I am your worst nightmare!" I shouted, flames wrapping around one arm. "I'm from Fairy Tail, you morons and you took my important guild mates!"

Third Person POV

Screams sounded as Beau worked her way up the stairs and to the doors that opened to let her in. Pieces of her hair blew into her face as she walked forward, refusing to take it easy on anyone that got in her way.

Beau knew that her guild-mates would be in the tower -- somewhere. More time then she thought had passed as she made her way up and she knew that any second of them could run into a serious problem.

Looking around she took off in a random direction trying to find the scents of everyone that she new. She listened for anymore guards that might try to stop her from advancing and getting to Erza, or Happy.

The female Dragon Slayer run up halls, past rooms, up stairs, and over bridges. She didn't find any other guards. She didn't catch her guild-mates scent.

She felt alone in that tower.

A shiver ran down her back as she thought about that feeling. She didn't want to feel alone anymore. She shouldn't feel alone and wouldn't be if Delma was with her.

He would cheer her up.

"Delma! Happy!" Beau shouted, her voice echoing as she searched. "Erza!"

"Did you hear that?" Gray asked, looking towards the door.

"No but we better hurry and find Natsu before its too late." Erza said, walking for the door she had came out of.

"And Beau." Lucy jumped in. "She's somewhere in the tower as well."

Beau turned down another hallway, her steps slowing as she saw the back of Natsu. "What are you doing? Where's everyone else?" She asked, grabbing the males attention.

Natsu turned looking at her. "They're with Erza." He said, before walking into the room that was filled with cat things. "What's up with this place?" He asked, looking around.

Beau followed, a frown on her face.

"Someone seems to love cats." She said, taking a step in as well. "There's cat items all over the place."

Natsu looked around before spotting a large green cat head. Beau got a bad feeling as he ran for it and picked the item up. She knew that Natsu was going to end up getting into trouble with it.

"It's some kind of mask!" He shouted, sticking it on his head.

Beau watched while shaking her head, as Natsu made a bigger fool of himself. She felt amused, wishing that Lucy could be watching this with her.

Natsu moved, trying to pull it the big cat head off without any success.

"You're so lame." She mumbled, wondering how it was him she ran into. "Seriously, how you claim to be a Dragon Slayer is beyond my understanding."

Natsu laughed, ignoring his words as he still thought the cat head was pretty cool.

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