Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

I shifted, feeling uncomfortable as we arrived at the beach, wondering if me joining them had really been a good idea. The water was shallow in the beginning but I knew that the farther out someone got the deeper it went. I didn't want to risk another draining as I still haven't gotten past the last one.

"Come on! Look at the water!" Natsu shouted, jumping into it.

I rolled my eyes. "Lu, why did we have to bring Princess and Pinky along?" I wondered, grinning at her.

"Loki gave them the tickets." She reasoned. "Come on. We can't let them have all the fun."

And fun we had.

Natsu and Gray went for a short swim before Gray decided he preferred going in the nude. Delma took care of that problem before I had the chance to. He was such a sweet flying cat at times.

Then Natsu decided to play a trick on Lucy. I joined in, thinking it was funny until Lucy started getting chased up and down the beach. Still thought it was funny but her punches sure do hurt at times.

And now we were playing volleyball, well the others were. Natsu, Lucy, and Delma vs Gray, Erza, and Happy. I was the lucky score keeper.

"And that's another for Team Lu!" I shouted, watching as Erza missed the ball by an inch. "Sorry Erza but them the rules." I grinned, as she stood back up from the dirt. "Ball goes to Lucy. Let's end this game. Next point is game!"

I tossed the ball to Lucy watching as she grabbed it and got ready to serve once again. I stood back watching my friends enjoy themselves. Erza was smiling, which was a surprise in itself as I didn't think she knew how to.

In the time that I've been in Fairy Tail I don't remember seeing Erza this happy before. I don't think she ever was.

Lucy tossed the ball into the air once again before hitting it towards the group. Gray dived, bouncing it back up where Erza smacked it into the ground to fast for anyone else on the other side to stop it.

"And the game goes to Team Princess!"

"We didn't agree on that name!"

"I think it's a rather nice name."

"See, Erza likes it!" Grinning I linked arms with Erza and Lucy. "Enough with all this ball game. Let's go into the water." I said, pulling them away from the two boys.

I watched as Erza enjoyed the water, goofing off like someone our age should.

"Come one!" Delma shouted, flying above the water but not touching it.

The screams from the amusement park echoed through the day. The sound of the roller coaster rattling grinding on my ears. Finally as the sun was sitting I joined Lucy to change clothing so that I could go to the casino.

I stepped out of the room I was sharing with Lucy to watch her knock on Erza's. I grinned, wondering where she even found the long red dress that she was wearing.

"Erza, get out of the room and come have some fun." Lucy said, as she opened the door and took a step in. "Natsu and Gray are down stairs. Wanna go find them and place some games?"

I lend against the wall, waiting for Erza's answer.

"Uh, you look great. Maybe a little to flashy but whatever." I took Lucy's answer that Erza would be joining us. "Come on! Come on, lets go!"

I couldn't help but feel like Lucy was more excited about going back down then me. Knowing that Erza and Lucy were going to take a little longer I decided to find the others that were already waiting downstairs. Mainly to make sure they weren't breaking anything.

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