Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"What were you thinking!" Gray shouted.

I rolled my eyes but grinned at him. "That I'll get some credit and not be scolded like a child." I shrugged. "Thanks Juvia. I think."

Standing from the ground I made sure that Lucy wasn't hurt before looking around at the damage that was created. Gray explained to her what happened, and how Juvia pulled him inside of her. It sounded worse coming from her.

Gray didn't wast any time in taking his tie off and then his shirt.

"You always have to strip." I mumbled, shaking my head. "Where's everyone else?" I asked, looking to Lucy for the answer.

"I don't know about Natsu, but Happy and Erza have been." She said, her hands folding together.

She must've been with Erza when it happened.

"We'll get her back. What about Delma? Did you see him?" Lucy shook her head at me.

I sighed, wondering where he could've gotten off to. I knew that I should've found him before getting sucked into the game that Gray was playing. At the very least he was still in or around the casino or with the bad guys.

A strange roar filled the building.

"Is that Natsu?" We asked at the same time.

Nodding we took off in the direction that it sounded like it came from. I watched as smoke came out of is mouth.

"Natsu!" Lucy and Gray shouted together.

Looks like everyone but Delma is here. Where did he go?

"What happened to you?" Gray asked as we reached him.

"What type of jerk shoots people in the mouth!" Natsu shouted. "Huh! I mean, someone could get really hurt doing that!"

"That would kill the normal person." Lucy said.

Moving forward I patted his shoulder. "It's a wonder you're not dead yet." I said, giving him the same grin I gave Gray.

"I'll show that block head!" Natsu shouted, ignoring us.

He lost his marbles. I watched as he took off running without a plan.

"After him!" Gray shouted.

"Wait, uh, does he even know where he's going?" Lucy asked doubtfully.

I grabbed her hand. "Don't worry, Lu. If he can't find Erza I'll be able to track her scent." I said, pulling her after me and in the direction that Natsu ran.

We left the resort, coming across a broken door that I was sure Natsu destroyed as he attempted to follow them. Erza scent was fading and not as strong as it was before. My feet sunk into the sand as I continued to trail after Natsu.

We found him at the edge of the water.

"We need a boat." I said, looking around to see if one just happened to be laying around.

"We don't have time for a boat! I'm going after them even if I have to swim!" Natsu shouted, diving into the water without another waited second.

Shrugging I walked farther on the beach in search of a boat. My eyes fall onto it and I knew that it was our only change.

"Lucy!" I shouted, waving my hand. "I found it!"

The others came in my direction, finding the small craft that I found. I glanced towards the casino, wondering if I should've looked for Delma longer before shaking my head. Whatever happens next he'll find me or I'll find him.

We be reunited once again.

Climbing into the boat I moved from the seat and onto the tight space before putting my head between my legs. Why did nature have to be so cruel and make my weakness any moving thing.

Delma could fly me and that didn't count! But a boat!

"How are you sick! It's not even moving!" Gray exclaimed.

I groaned in answer and left it at that. If he couldn't understand the pain of motion sickness then he didn't understand anything.

"We have to hurry." Lucy said.

"Follow Natsu."

* * *

The boat rocked as we continued to sail after Erza. I could feel the sun beating down on us from high in the sky. I rested my head on the side of the boat, making sure that we weren't getting off trail.

Her scent was faint, and getting fainter.

If we didn't catch up to her soon or find the island they went to we'd all but lose it and any chance we had in catching them.

"Where the hell are we!" Gray shouted.

"It appears as though we have been drifting aimlessly for some time."

"Hey Natsu... are you sure it's around here?"

I lifted my head, and looked around. Natsu was in far worse condition then me though I doubted he had a fear of water that could possible kill us at any moment. Not like we'd be stupid enough to go swimming in it at this time.


He didn't sound as confident as he should've.

"We're relying on that nose of yours! Get a grip!" Gray snapped.

I chuckled, before laying my head back down.

"Juvia does not believe that he would dare dash my beloved hopes!"

"We're going in the right direction." I said, opening my eyes and tilting my head so that I could look at Gray. "You just gotta believe us Dragon Slayers."

Gray fall back down. "I can't believe that they took Erza and Happy away while we were unconscious! How sad is that!" Gray shouted.

"They must've been powerful wizards to have defeated Erza." Juvia sounded so calm.

She must've seen Erza fight before or battled her herself.

"What? They didn't beat her. Quit talking like you know her." Gray snapped. "Cause you don't."

"I-i'm sorry."

"Calm down, Gray."

I sensed it as Lucy was talking. A forbidding sensation. There was something dangerous near us. Very dangerous.

I stood up, my hand falling onto Lucys shoulder to steady myself as I looked around.

"Do you feel that?" I asked, noticing Natsu doing the same thing.

"What the heck is that." He said, looking off in a one direction. "I just got a weird feeling."

I watched as the birds fall. Lucy gasped in shock.

I could feel my muscles tense.

"What's happening to them?" Gray asked. "And the fish?"

This... I knew what this was. I knew where we were going as well and it wasn't someplace fun.

"Get ready." I ordered, my free hand clenching and unclenching. "You're about to see something that can never be unseen. We're no longer in the land of happiness and tea parties."

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