Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

My lungs felt as if they were on fire, my throat hurting as if I swallowed sandpaper. Squeezing my eyes shut tightly I felt as something came up causing me to roll to the side and starting vomiting. A hand was placed on my back, patting it before I felt a coat get dipped around my shoulders.

Everything hurt so much at that moment.

My head was screaming at me, my throat was burning, my lungs felt like they were about to make a break for it.

"You okay?" Nodding, I looked up to see Loki kneeling above me, his hand resting on my shoulder, with Cana standing more behind him.

What were they doing?

"We couldn't let you have all the fun." Cana said, smiling at me. "Take a break and them to us."

Nodding, I moved to stand up, finding that it was more difficult then I would have first thought. Loki grabbed me, stopping me from falling to ground, a worried look passing on his face. Nodding my head, he helped me to the rocky wall that blocked our path from making it back to the top.

He lingered in front for a moment longer then needed before he turned, going to join Cana so she didn't have to face them alone. I notice his coat was missing causing me to believe that he had been the one to give it to me. But why would he do that when it was clear he didn't want anything to do with Lucy and I was her friend.

"Does little wittle Beau need others to fight for her?" Meko shouted, no doubt trying to get a raise out of me. "Not strong enough to do it alone, are you?!"

I spread heat through out of my body, heating my skin up and slowly began drying the clothes that I was wearing. I knew that by the time that the clock ran out I would be more rested, and completely dry only I hoped that Natsu would have done his part of the fighting and put a stop to it.

"Does Phantom need to gang up on one person to feel strong?" Loki demanded. "Your guild sure is filled with cowards."

"Oh, like your guild is any better." Meko shouted sending ice towards him without any warnings. "You're willing to protect your life for a coward."

Was I a coward?

"I'll take her." Loki said, sending me a look from over his shoulder.

Was them protecting me what made me a coward? Or was it something else?

Cana nodded throwing a set of cards at Red to separate the two of them. I already knew their power levels were completely different from one another. Cana didn't stand a chance again the red haired male, and Loki barely stood a chance against Meko.

I watched as my two guild mates fought against them.

Meko and Loki stood a good distance from us as she had used her use to make a bigger area to fight on, though it was more likely to break at any moment. Red continued to attack Cana, making her use her cards to defend herself and send no attacks back at him. Neither one was gaining the advantage.

Moving, my hands fall to my wound, noticing the blood that soaked onto my hand when I brought it back. Just how many times would I come near death in less then 3 days. Just what was the Dragon Gods above thinking.

Shaking my head I looked away from my hand and to the group. Our time was running out, and so was everyone else's. If something didn't happen soon we would all be destroyed.

Hurry Natsu!

Moving I joined Cana to face read. "You need to go back, Cana. Get to the others and keep them going." I said, smirking at the girl. "Otherwise all this fightening would've been for nothing. Whats the point of destroying the cannon if we have nothing to return to."

Red stopped moving, allowing the two of us to speak.

"I can't just leave you alone." Cana said. "What if you fall into the water again! You can't swim!"

I glanced at her. "I'll be fine. The male you're fighting is someone I've known for a long time now. He won't do any serious harm to me." I said, doubt filling me. "Besides, this is my battle not yours. This is something I need to do."

She nodded, before turning. "Be safe, Beau. We'll be waiting." She said before running back towards the cliff.

I looked over my shoulder, watching as she used her cards to move to the top. That was one way to get around but I knew that even with my spoken words that it was already to late. We would be facing the incoming blast at any second.

What are you doing you stupid pink haired fake Dragon Slayer?

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