Chapter Six

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"The reward had gone up to 2 million Jewels." Master said to the group.

"Hi, I'm Beau." I said, giving out my hand to shake.

"I'm Levy."

"I'm Jet."

"I'm Droy."

I listened as Levy told me what there was to know about the guild before moving onto her and her team. Telling me embarrassing stories about the two males.

"We should be going. We're going to do a job, want to join?" Levy asked.

My stomach twisted as I thought about agreeing. "No, I'll pass." The words escaped me before I could say yes, confusing me.

"Have it your way."

I sat alone looking around the room as Levy and her team left to go on a mission.

"Mira?" I called out grabbing her attention. "Where's Master?"

"Oh, he isn't here." Mira answer, surprised. "Are you leaving, Beau?"

"Aye, I have business to take care of."

Chapter Six

I lend my head against the seat the as I felt the train continue to move. The hat was tilted so that it could cover my face while I fought to keep my insides where they belonged. A groan almost escaped me as I cursed my luck.

"You get motion sickness?" Gray asked after a while.


"So than why did you decide to ride it? How far are we going?"


"Where are we going?"


"Can you say anything beside making that sound."

I kept quiet as my eyes remained closed and my head back. Seeing that he wasn't going to be getting a reply from me Gray went back to being quiet. I knew that soon we would be getting off and traveling on foot but until then I was going to have to deal.

My thoughts went over and over again wondering if he was okay. Hoping that nothing bad had happened to him. Wondering if he would even want to see me again.

Suddenly sitting up I looked around as my hat fall off my head. A feeling of being watched filled me as I looked to see that Gray was looking out the window. My eyes scanned the train but the feeling vanished.

Realizing that the train was still moving I felt like throwing up. I covered my mouth as my head dropped again. Why did I have to have such a weakness. Why did I have to get sick so easily.

"Are you okay?" Gray voice sounded far away as my ears started to ring.

"Nuuu." I mumbled feeling worse than before.

Standing up I grabbed my backpack and made a line for the door. My eyes flicking to the landscape outside to try and judge where we was. Now was as good a time as any to get off the train.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" I felt a hand make contact with my shoulder as Gray demanded where I was heading.

"Off....our...stop.." I mumble shaking my head as I made an attempt to pull my shoulder free but feeling a wave of dizziness flood me.

"The trains still moving." Gray pointed out as he removed his hand. "We can't get off yet."

"I need to." I mumbled spinning around and heading for the door again.

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