Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Luuuucy." I mumbled as I poked my blonde haired friend. "Luuuuu." I drawled her name out again as I continued to lay on her hardwood floor while poking her. "Luuuuuucy."

A sigh escaped from her as a smile tugged on my lips. "Yes, Beau?" She asked, as I turned my head away from her to stare at the ceiling.

"I"m bored and Master won't let me go on another mission. Something about learning the ropes and being with someone." I complained as I folded my hands together before placing them under my head.

Two long days had passed since I returned from my very first Fairy Tail job. Two days of walking around the town, looking at different shops, and being completely bored. Two days filled with nothing interesting from happening, like fighting thieves, or blowing things up with fire.

"We've only been in the guild for less than a week." Lucy pointed out, causing a groan to escape me. "And you almost destroyed a village in the first 4 days."

Did I?

"It was the thieves that almost destroyed the village, not I. " I answered as I chuckled and tilted my head so that I could look at my blonde haired friend. "I even sent more of my reward back because another house collapsed from all the damage. Said money that could have helped me find a place like this." I complained knowing that Lucy didn't mind me staying with her... at the moment.

Even though it had been easy when it came to defeating the thieves, the ones that I hadn't countered had went around me and attacked the village. Hoping to defeat me that way, and still get what they wanted. Because of my lack of controlling my anger when it became really bad I had also caught a few houses on fire by accident.

I had a feeling that the village would have to put in a request for someone to help fix up all the damage that it had gotten. And it even went and reflected on Fairy Tail, even though I had just joined them. Meaning that I got a lecture much like the one that the others got on my first day here.

"Master said that because I'm new that I would have to wait on the whole, destroying entire villages thing. Meaning that I either have to join someone on their mission, find a super duper easy one that doesn't require magic, or wait for a full week before going out on my own again." I complied throwing an hand into the air. "Does the Master not understand how deadly that could be. I mean I could very well die from boredom!"

"You almost destroyed the village!" Lucy voice was high as she still went with that. "I didn't even know you was that strong! Plus you never told me that you was a Dragon Slayer!" Maybe it was more than just the village that was bothering her.

I thought about it for a moment as I chewed on my lip. I thought I told her... didn't I?

"That's old news, Lulu." Jumping up I looked around the bare looking apartment that was filled with boxes. "I'm going to the guild hall." I said, wondering which poor sap I could get to join me for another job.

"Try not to blow anything up." Lucy called after me as I walked towards her already open window. "And use the door!"

"The door isn't fun." I answered with a wide smile on my face as I looked at my favorite blonde female, before dropping myself out of the window and towards the ground.

I landed nice and smoothly, with no injures. A feeling of forgetting something filled me. Why did I feel like I forgot something very important.

Shaking my head I pushed that thought off as I thought about how Lucy was only trying to help me in her own weird way. Starting a new hum I started to walk down the street wondering which path I should take to go to the guild hall. Excitement filled me as I bounced on the balls of my feet, happily.

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