Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Third Person POV

Loki watched as Beau moved to face the two newcomers wondering if they were part of Phantom as well as he didn't recognize them from the day before. He watched as his guildmate laughed about something though her face remained serious.

"What's happening over there?" Someone asked.

"Pay attention to what's in front of you." Cana shouted, looking around before she spotted Beau and the other two. "Loki, what's going on?"

Loki moved, taking another ghost down. "I don't know but she said she had it handled." He said, shaking his head. "What should we do."

Cana thought about it as she sent a few more cards flying. "Leave it to her than. I trust Beau as much as anyone else here. She is part of Fairy Tail." The girl replied, knowing that if something was to happen anyone there would jump in to help.

The felt as wind knocked into them, dust filling the air. Beau moved, her fist slamming into the ice wall that Meko created to protect themselves with. The steam coming from it as the ice melted into water.

The air above her moved as the sound of something approaching came. Beau moved, jumping out of the way of Reds blade, glaring at the male for thinking that such an approach would work on her.

The two moved once again, slamming into each other while hoping to knock the other backways. Beau attention became focused on Red, stopping his blade from making any more wounds in her and giving Meko a chance to look for Lucy.

Attempting to run past the distracted female, Meko found a ball of fire flying in front of her, missing her by an inch. The ice mage turned shooting a deadly glare at Beau of moved so that she could face her two enemies.

"Pay attention to what's in front of you, Icy, or you might just get burnt." Beau said, hoping to get a reaction from her.

"I'll kill you!" Meko shouted, shooting ice out at the Dragon Slayer.

Steam once again rose in the air as the fire melted the ice. Beau knew that she had to get Red and Meko away from her guildmates and onto the ice that Gray created. Though it was above very deep and deadly water, Beau knew that it was safer than the land they stood on.

Red took this chance to try and knock the female out once again, once to find himself missing her as she moved out of the way. Beau turned, jumping towards the edge while hoping to lure them towards her. Her eyes meeting with one of her guildmates, a smirk forming on her face.

"Is that all you have?" She asked, looking back to her opponents.

Meko went after the female once again, the ice forming in her hands as she got closer with each step. She would freeze Beau the second she touched her, showing just how much better she was than the other female.

Red stood back watching for a moment before followering after Meko. He moved slower, not wishing to continue this fighting that he had to do but found that if he didn't something would surely happen.

Beau temperature rose as she knocked Mekos hands away from her before she could get a solid grab on the other female. She watched as surprised shifted over the female ice users face as a shout left her as she fall over the cliff that she hadn't been paying attention to.

One of the Fairy Tail members cheered before focusing back at their task at hand, thinking that Beau had managed to take one enemy down. Both Loki and Cana turned their heads to see what was happening before surprised and gasps escaped them.

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