Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One


"This is a surprise."

"They finished building it!"

I felt just as surprised as the others in my group, staring up at the now completed and huge Fairy Tail building. We were only gone a week give or take a few days. I can't believe that they actually did so much in so little time.

"Hey! Welcome back!" Someone said from our side. "

"Bet you got a surprise, huh! This here is our brand new guild!" Another said from the barrel he was sitting on.

It was shocking to come back to this.

"What, Natsu, you lost for words?"

"It's totally different from how it was before!"

"Well, yeah. We did build this whole thing from scratch, y'know."

Tables were set up outside of the guild hall, with a few already claimed by other Fairy members who waved, or shouted in greeting, at us. Plates of foods and drinks were in front of some the members while others just sat talking in groups.

There was so much more space then before.

Then off to the side was a souvenir shop, and even close to the entrance in case someone from outside of the guild didn't want to wander in too far. Master really thought this one through a lot. He added so much more to the guild then we had before.

I wonder if there's a pool.

"Welcome! Oh, its you guys. Welcome back!"

"Max is running a shop!"

I didn't recognize the male from the months that we've been here. Maybe I just wasn't paying that much attention.

"It's been a while since we seen you, hasn't it?" Happy asked, flying over to the shop.

"Well, Master made me go back to school because he wanted me to take some business classes." Max explained, searching at the side of his face.

"You're Max Aloze! I've heard all about you in the Sorcerer Weekly!" Lucy said, getting into her dreamy state once again.

I chuckled, shaking my head. She hadn't acted like that since we joined Fairy Tail and meet almost everyone here.

"Yes, ma'am, that'll be me. And you know I've heard a lot about you, Lucy." He grinned at her as she freaked out over his comment.

"See, Lucy, you're already well known in the guild!" I patted her back.

"I don't even want to think about the crazy things they probably told you!" Lucy sunk to the ground, in a new daze about what others could've possible said.

"Oh cheer up, Lu. It couldn't have been that bad." I said, kneeling by her. "Come on. Let's see what they have."

"So what type of stuff are you selling?" Happy asked.

Max laughed. "We've got T-shirts, wrist bands, mugs, towels, even special lacrima crystals, and of course there's our most popular item --"

"Wow, its a Lucy action figure!"

"No one ever asked me if I was cool with that!" Lucy said, jumping back up to see what Happy was holding.

Seeing that there was more then just Lucy, I picked up one that looked like Gray. Unlike the others that were fully dressed, Grays barely had any clothes on.

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