Hogwarts Houses (all)

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You can leave your opinions and reasons why they should be in another house or not! Just like in Newsies, fight for what you believe in.


Jack Kelly - Gryffindor

Davey Jacobs - Ravenclaw

Crutchie Morris - Hufflepuff

Racetrack Higgins - (I'm not sure about this one) Ravenclaw because he is witty, Gryffindor because he's stubborn.

Spot Conlon - Slytherin

Dear Evan Hansen

Evan Hansen - Hufflepuff

Connor Murphy - Slytherin

Jared Kleinman - Ravenclaw (for wit)


Alexander Hamilton - Slytherin

Lafayette - Gryffindor / Ravenclaw

Hercules Mulligan - Gryffindor

John Laurens - Hufflepuff

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