Chapter 27 - Strong and Broken

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Chapter 27 - Strong and Broken


I've been beginning to learn that she moves in phases.

Some weeks she will be pacing nonstop.
Some weeks she will hide under the couch in paranoia.
Other times she's close to normal.

No matter what week it is, I love her.

During those good weeks she tends to tell me what has been going on the past few weeks when she was upset.

It's usually her gaining a memory of some sort, and her PTSD is so severe from it that she cannot manage to focus on anything.

I'm constantly torn when she shares the memories she gets back.

Like, I hate hearing them. I hate knowing that she went through all of this suffering and her and I can't change that it happened. I hate that I couldn't have saved her earlier than I did.

But at the same time I'm dying inside to know what's happening with her. I want to know what she's been through. I want to understand what's happened.

There now is proof in her mind that there was a lot more to her prisoning than what we found on cameras of her trapped in a cell with her family surrounding her.

Derrick had been in charge of her before David was. He was training her for something; her and a large amount of females.

She keeps getting memories of a training room other than the one here at Dauntless. She tells me how they never used guns, but how fighting was to the extreme and way worse than the "new rules" Eric had come up with for her initiation.

She never explained the worse part of it, and I don't pressure her to. She may not remember, or she may not be able to bring herself to recall it verbally. I will never know unless she chooses to tell me, and that's alright with me.

I know our relationship isn't what it use to be.
I mean, I've changed since she was taken from me.
The odd thing about Tris is how her personality is just beginning to change.

Each time she has a good week or two, she's changing.

When she first arrived home, she was a blank slate.
She wasn't talking, she wasn't smiling or showing emotion, she had nothing.

As time went on and she was healing, she reflected her old sixteen year old self more, but in a slightly more broken, anxious older form.

Now her memories are coming back, and they are important to who she is and her personality.

She's louder, a little more rambunctious in her commenting, and she has a strong sense of sarcasm.

Most of all, she somehow picked up an accenting her lost memories.


"Do you wanna take Indy for a walk with me?" I ask. Indy pipes up at the sound of his name and the word 'walk' and he runs up to me in expectation.

"Go find Tris," I bend down to his height. "Go get her."

He barrels off on his mission to find my girlfriend, his nose high in the air knowing exactly where she is.

"Indy!" She whines when the dog finds her. I can only assume her whining means he either woke her up or he is licking her.

Who am I kidding. Probably both.

"I was going to take him for a walk," I enter the bedroom to see my dog half laying on Tris who is laying on her side of the bed. He sits with pride when I come in knowing he completed my task. "Do you want to come?"

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