Chapter 63 - Decisions

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Chapter 63 - Decisions


"I want to shower," Rose says sitting up. Color is returning to her cheeks slowly, but she still is flushed from fear.

"I just feel... so..." she struggles for words and silently I nod as a way to tell her she doesn't have to go on.

I find a pair of shoes near her bed and give them to her.

"Do you have a broom?" I ask as she puts on some pants while wincing.

"In that closet," she points to the one I found earlier. "Please don't leave me alone, though." There's a strong plea in her voice as it wavers.

"I'm not going anywhere."

She slips into the bathroom and I hear water running within a few minutes.

I sigh, turning in a slow circle to get a good look at the disaster around me.

Was he drunk?
Has this been going on for a while?

I shake my head, denying myself the opportunity to think about it longer.

I look to her bed and decide that I'll start there.

Gagging, I strip the sheets from her bed when I hear her enter the bathroom.
They smell awful.

I make the executive decision to throw them out

I sigh, digging through a drawer to find new sheets before making her bed.

I'm glad the blood didn't sink through to her mattress.

The comforter is thrown into a corner in the room. I pick it up and cautiously smell it, finding it doesn't have an odor even close to the severity of the tossed sheets.

I smile when I find an air freshener in the closet, and I spray it over the made bed before I turn to the living room.

I look down at my phone when it buzzes and notice Tobias calling.

I answer it, moving to sit on her now clean bed.

"Is everything alright? You've been gone over an hour."

"Not really, but don't worry. I'm going to be bringing her to our place in a little bit," I run my hand over my ponytail.

"What apartment is hers? I'm coming—"

"No, stay home with Tom. I've got everything under control but I'll explain later."

"You're safe?" He asks.

"Yes. I have to go, I love you." I hang up the phone to hear a loud thud in the bathroom.

"Tris?" Rose shouts and I move fast to see her on the floor of the shower, her leg bleeding badly turning the water pink.

"Oh gosh," I move and turn off the water. "Did you hit your head?"

"No, I just slipped and—" she starts sobbing.

"Hey, it's okay. Shhh," I give her a towel and kneel next to the tub, my hand rubbing through her wet dark hair.

"Can you stand?" I ask and she nods. I help her into the shoes before I help her over the ledge of the tub. I sit her down on the toilet and get to work blotting her leg with a towel.

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