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the broken leg
3 days later : wednesday

Millie's POV

Sadie, Lilia and I were hanging out at Sadie's house.

"We should go to the mall!" Lilia suggested and we agreed. We all drove in Sadie's car with me in the passenger seat and were jamming out to some new music.


"You should definitely get this! You'd look amazing in it!" Sadie was holding a mini skirt that was a little too 'mini' for me.

"No no no no," I said shaking my head and they both frowned.

"Why not? You have great legs and a great ass! Show them off Millie!" Lilia said which made me red from embarrassment.

"That's too short guys. Besides I already show enough. I wear dresses and skirts for special occasions," I turned looking for more clothes.

"Oh my god. Whatever. You're gonna regret not buying it. You don't have enough short skirts. What about when you get a boyfriend and you want to look extra cute for him. You're gonna think, 'man, I should've listened to my friends about that adorable skirt. Now I don't have a boyfriend anymore,' Come on. Buy it!" Sadie said.

"Jesus fine!" I took it, not wanting to argue anymore. Although I knew I wasn't going to get a boyfriend anytime soon. They're all annoying assholes anyway.


After being there for two hours, we all had several bags from different stores and got drinks from starbucks.

Once we got home I saw Sadie's skateboard sitting in the garage.

"Can I try your skateboard?"

Sadie looked hesitant but finally let me ride it. I'd never ridden a skateboard before but it can't be too difficult right?


I stood on it for .01 seconds and I flipped right off. The girls gasped as I flew forwards and landed awkwardly on my left leg. A sudden sharp pain grew in my lower leg. A pain I'd never felt before.

"Oh my god Millie. Are you ok?" Sadie asked.

"Holy shit." Lilia added.

Tears sprung to my eyes and all at once I felt light headed and didn't want to move.

"Can you drive me to the hospital? It hurts so bad." I struggle to get out the words. Quickly, they came to both my sides and lifted me so I didn't have any weight on my left leg. They placed me in the passenger seat and we were on our way. By the time we got to the hospital, my leg was already really swollen and bruised.

Eventually, I got an x-ray and the doctors confirmed I broke my fibula. Since my dad works at that hospital, he rushed down to me. I'd rather him not be there, but he probably got notified that I was hurt there.

Dad drove me home after I got a big brace on my lower leg, crutches, and was told to try to not move it a lot. Everyone was home except mom. They were worried about me, but it was kind of nice because they brought me ice cream.

(I have no idea if any of this is realistic because I've never broken a bone or anything so if this doesn't make sense then sorry!!)


I'd been laying on the living room couch watching New Girl for a couple hours. My phone was blowing up with texts and snapchats from many people from school. They were giving me positive messages for breaking my leg. Later, Sadie and Lilia bursted through the front door.

"Oh. My. God. Are you ok Millie?" Lilia dramatically questioned. They sat on both sides of me and faced me.

"I'll be fine. The only problem is that I have to go to school like this."

"Ew, I didn't even think of that, sorry," sadie rubbed my back.

We watched New Girl together for a few hours until they had to go home, but I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I'd have to go to school like this in less than a week.


Finn's POV

It's been 3 days since I saw Millie walking her dogs. I can't get her out of my mind. Who knew I could feel a spark with someone that quickly. Especially someone I'd never met before. I followed her on Instagram and snapchat because I knew she goes to my school. But of course she didn't follow back because she doesn't know me.

"Dinner!" I heard my mom yell. I jumped from my thoughts and ran downstairs to eat.

It was just my mom and Maci and I because Nick was at a friend's house. Oh and dad was traveling for work. But what else is new? He travels all the time because he works in the restaurant business and goes around to his restaurants. My mom is a pretty good painter and she sells her artwork. It sucks because I love my dad.

We don't have a lot of money or anything but I guess it could be worse.


Thanks for staying for the second chapter! I know Millie split her knee irl but I changed it. Hope your enjoying. Pleaseeee vote and leave any advice for my writing! ❤️

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