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the new girl and her brother
3 days later : sunday

Millie's POV

me : heyo

finn☺️ : hey wassup

me : i'm bored what's up w you

finn☺️ : nothing much. I'm doing homework.

me : oh sorry for interrupting

finn☺️ : no it's fine! I don't care if I get interrupted... I'm not as good of a student as you

me : i can have fun too

finn☺️ : really? what's your gpa?

me : 1.0

finn☺️ : lies

me : ok fine. 4.0

finn☺️ : holy crap. take a break

me : no you can't make me

We talked for a while longer.  He didn't seem to mind I was taking him away from his homework.

me : alright get back to work

finn☺️ : no please don't make me

me : see you tomorrow

finn☺️ : bye


"Okie dokie class!  We have a new student already!  Please welcome Iris Apatow.  Be kind to her!  I need someone to show her to her next classes." Ms. Dyer announced.

"And since you, Finn Wolfhard and Jack Grazer are chatting and seem to be too cool to pay attention.  Why don't one of you show Ms. Apatow to her classes."

Neither of them volunteered so Ms. Dyer forced Finn to do it.  He groaned in response but quickly smiled at Iris to not offend her.


"Did you just move here?" I asked Iris on our way to spanish.

"Yeah me and my brother moved here from London last month." She seemed really nice.

"Oh that's so cool! I moved here from London when I was 7."

"Wow that is cool! We move all the time.  9 times in my whole life,"

"Woah why?"

"I don't know.  We just like being different places.  My parents must get bored in the same place for more than a couple years!"

"Cool.  I've lived in the same house my whole life!" I said.  Finn didn't talk during our walk but it's ok because I talked enough for the both of us.


"Hey guys!  Guess what?  We have two new students joining us.  Say hi to siblings : Iris and Jacob," Mr. Montgomery declared. 

Soon later, a guy walked in the classroom who I guessed was the other new student.  He seemed lost and unsure.

"You must be Jacob!" Mr. Montgomery shouted across the room.

The boy introduced himself.  He was a senior but he was in our spanish class because there were people from all grades in that class.  It wasn't based on age it was based on the spanish level you were comfortable with.  The teacher made me show him to his classes like Finn had to show Iris to hers.  Even though I didn't have any classes with him other than spanish.

Our spanish seats switched so the new students could make friends.  Me and Jacob sat together and Finn and Iris sat together.  Finn and I gave each other annoyed looks that we couldn't sit together anymore.

"Hey I'm Millie!"

"I'm Jacob nice to meet you," Their whole family must be super nice.


"I'm pretty sure this is your math class!" I brought Jacob to the economics classroom and rushed off to english.  The teachers are letting me out early to pick up Jacob and drop him off before my next classes start.


During lunch, I looked over and saw Iris was sitting with Finn.  It looked like they were laughing and she touched Finn's arm, but I didn't think much of it.  Jacob also was sitting with them because he probably wanted to sit with Iris and my table was full.

After lunch, I walked with Finn, Jaeden, Lilia, Iris and Jacob.  However, it seemed like Iris and Finn were the only ones talking, which was super unusual for me.

"Oh my god Finn you're so funny!" Iris was holding onto Finn's arm as we were walking to class.

She's just being nice.

"I can't believe you made the team.  That's amazing!" Iris squeaked.  I wasn't sure what she was talking about at first but then I remembered soccer tryouts and I stopped in my tracks.

"Wait you made the soccer team?" Finn stopped walking and looked at me.

"Yeah," he said calmly.

"Finn. Oh my gosh why didn't you tell me?!" I was so proud but a little upset that he told Iris before me.

Why am I upset?  I have no reason to be upset.

"Sorry.  I just found out in english."

"Oh well congratulations!  I knew you'd make it!" He smiled back and I started hobbling along again to catch up with them.

"Ok Jacob, we should probably go to pre calc." I said, stopping at the elevator.  Although I had science with Finn and Lilia (and now Iris), I still had to take Jacob to his classes.  I don't know why the teacher made a crippled person guide Jacob but I tried to make the best of it.

"I'll go with you guys.  It gives me an excuse to ride the elevator!" Lilia joined us, but I'm guessing the real reason was because she doesn't really know Finn or Jaeden or Iris that well.

"Thanks for walking me. I know it's probably annoying that you have to do it in crutches." He smiled and walked in the classroom before I had the chance to respond.


When Lilia and I got to science, Iris was in my seat next to Finn.  I guess the teacher told her to sit there.  That's annoying.

Jaeden and Lilia still sat together.  Mr. Keery made me sit by a guy I didn't know but it was going to be fine.

Every now and then, I'd see Iris laugh with Finn and she'd sit close to him.

She's just being nice.


Oooh? What's happening between Iris and Finn? It would be amazing if you could please vote. Love you guys ❤️


Btw there's a lot of teachers thrown out so here's a list of the teachers just fyi :

Math : Ms. Dyer
Spanish : Mr. Montgomery
English : Ms. Purser
Science : Mr. Keery
History : Mr. Heaton

Principal : Mr. Harbour
Vice Principal : Mrs. Ryder

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