|thirty six|

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|thirty six|
art gala
9 days later : thursday

Finn's POV

"Are you going to be there on Saturday night?" Is the first thing I heard as I was picking at my cereal. It was too early for any of the world to be awake, let alone talking.

"What are you talking about?" I was still chewing my bite and looked up at her. My dark eyelashes obscured my vision when I didn't bother to move my head from it's sinking position between my shoulders.

"For my gala sweetie? The art show?" She clarified but I threw my hands up for more of an explanation, raising my head to see her clearer.

"You know. The event at the gallery I was telling you about." I stared at her blankly.

Can you not be this frustrating at 6:45 in the morning?

"I've been talking about it for days."

"You never told me about this." My mouth hung open, suddenly very bored and annoyed where this conversation was going.

"Remember? You said you would wear that light blue dress shirt with that nice dark blue tie that has the tiny blue stars on it? You know, your dad's tie."

"We've never talked about it. Why wouldn't I remember if you told me? I'm not an idiot." I stood abruptly and dropped my bowl in the sink without thinking. We jumped when the loud clatter surprised the both of us.

"Finn... sweetie, I'm sorry if I made you upset but we talked about this the other day-" But I wouldn't listen as I climbed the stairs two at a time.

I shouldn't be wearing his tie. That's his, always has been. You can't just pass something around after the owner dies. It's not fair to him.

"I'm going to school." After I had grabbed my backpack from my room and for some odd reason inside of me, I couldn't bring myself to look at my mom.

Why is everything so painful?

2 days later : saturday

Millie's POV

"You look beautiful!" Mary gleamed at my dress after scanning the whole look.

It was a dark blue dress, fitted right from the thin silky straps down to the waist and then flowed elegantly down to the knee. Sparkles faded from the top to the bottom like the stars burning against the clear night sky.

It was stunning for having such short notice. I had to buy the best looking one from a local dress boutique yesterday.

The look was completed with simple dark blue strappy heels, loose curls and very light makeup.

"He's not in a fabulous mood."

"Oh, why not? I'm so excited for tonight." I bounced on my heels.

Even though I only found out about it a day ago.

"I thought he was too but not after I brought it up again on Thursday. I'm just warning you before you go up there." I laughed lightly at her words and my heart flipped when I got her invitation to go to his room.

"I know you always cheer him up. You have a special talent for that."

"Have you noticed his personality change lately?" I asked, checking to make sure Finn was at least somewhat keeping his grip on life and not solely relying on drugs.

"I have noticed. It's almost bi-polar," she lowered her voice, "He'll get through it. He's a strong boy, always has been."

"I hate seeing him like this. I wish I could help him get through this rough patch quicker." I smiled.

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