|forty three|

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|forty three|
4 days later : saturday


I'm worried about how much Finn is being affected.

"It's like you have two personalities. You need to stop!" I shook his shoulders violently but he was unfazed. His legs were sprawled out on the floor in front of him. He held another miniature pill in his hand, dangling it above his open mouth as a strategy to mock me.

The sound of my hand slapping the pill out of his clammy hand pierced the humid air of the stranger's house.

"Chill out. You're the one who gives these to me." He rested his back against the couch again.

"Do you think I don't pay attention?" Even though there was no response except a nose scratch from Finn, I continued.

"6 shots. 1 line. 2 pills. That's how much you've taken tonight. You're lucky you're not dead."

"I look out for you at every party you've been to." I may always be in the background, but I'm here, taking care of Finn.

I've noticed his other friends aren't into drugs so I figured it would be nice for him to have someone who will take care of him and not judge.

My observing skills and memory give me a huge advantage in this case. I can take mental notes of how many drinks he has or how many hits he takes.

The children cartoons I sat him in front of were enough to keep him confused and content with the bright colors and busy characters. The screen was 10 times more captivating to Finn when he was high as a kite.

It was a distraction so he would slow down and hopefully sleep so it would be less of a hassle to drag him home.

That's when the drama unfolded.

Not even an hour had passed. She was sobbing on the front lawn. He was on the verge of passing out on the carpet floor.

But for you to fully understand, let's take it back to yesterday.


Millie's POV

The awkward beats of silence were unbearable and uncountable. He knows I can't stay quiet in any situation for long. Was he waiting me out?

"So..." I started. There was a fair amount of chatter going on around the classroom where no one would hear us.

"So?" Finn had a sharp edge to his voice like my presence annoyed him.

"Can we talk about what happened the other day?"

"What happened the other day?"

"You haven't been to school this week so I haven't been able to bring this up yet." His expression remained bored and he stayed slouching in the chair with his legs outstretched.

"When I humiliated myself?" He only continued to pick off his chipped and dirty black nail polish that only covered one hand of nails.

"When I told you how I felt and you... you dismissed me." His face told me he couldn't care less that I was upset. "Do you want to tell me how you feel right now?"

"Do I want to tell you how I feel?"

He smiled diabolically, "I don't feel anything."

"Finn, hood off. You know the rules." Mr. Montgomery looked up from the busy work at his desk only to scold students.

He didn't take off his maroon sweatshirt hood.

Finn carelessly held his middle finger out to him but thankfully the teacher was oblivious to it.

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