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leading me on
next day : tuesday

Millie's POV

Finn and I were walking to our next classes from spanish when my phone vibrated.  It was Jacob.

jacob : I forgot to tell you yesterday in spanish congrats on getting your cast off!

"Who's that?" Finn asked.

"Just Jacob from spanish," I said while responding.

"What does he want? And how'd he get your number?"

"Is Finn Wolfhard jealous?" I smirked.  He jokingly glared and I laughed.

"I gave him my number when I started showing him around school his first week in case he had questions."

"Huh," was all he said.  Finn had nothing to be worried about.  Jacob was nice, nothing would happen between us.

"What are you replying?" He asked.  I showed him my phone to show that nothing was wrong.  He read the text and I turned the phone back to myself.  Then his face changed.

"Wait. Lemme see again," I looked at my phone confused then turned it to show him. He looked at the earlier texts.

" 'Thanks for showing me around. It's been so helpful.' 'No problem xoxo', " he read our texts out loud.

"What?" I didn't see what the big deal was.



"You don't see anything wrong with that?" He didn't seem angry, more intrigued. "You don't think there's anything wrong with saying, 'hugging you, kissing you, hugging you, kissing you' ?" His eyebrows were furrowed but he was smiling.

"No, I'm just being nice. So is he," I said while chuckling and he chuckled with me.

"You've been leading him on Millie."

"What?! No I haven't'!" I defended.

"He so wants to be with you!" He was smiling.

"Pffft. No he doesn't. He's just a nice person."

"A nice person who wants you," he handed my phone back to me.

"Whatever. You're wrong." I smiled and then we parted ways to go to our next classes.


"I'm gonna ask Jacob to sit with us at lunch and you'll see he doesn't like me," I said to Finn on our way to lunch.

"No you'll see he does like you," I rolled my eyes playfully while typing.

When we sat down I saw Jacob enter the cafeteria and I waved him over.  He gladly sat down and we all had fun talking.

"See?" Finn shoved my shoulder as we walked to science together.

"If you mean, did I see that Jacob is just a friend, then yes I see."

"No way he was totally hitting on you," he smiled.

After school, Jacob texted to meet me in a hallway.

" 'xoxo'? 'Want to sit with us at lunch'?  I see what you're doing, Millie.  I like you too."

"Ohhh... no.  No," I awkwardly backed away. Damn it.  Finn was right.

"You don't have to hide it anymore.  We can be together." And at that moment, Finn walked up to us.

"I'm sorry but I don't like you," I whispered to Jacob.

"What's up guys," Finn said.

"I'm sorry you don't like me? I'm sorry, I'm sorry.  Then why have you been leading me on for weeks?" He was so confused and was talking loud so Finn could definitely hear.

"Oh hell on earth no!" I said to Jacob.

"Sorry w-what was that?" Finn asked instantly, lost in the conversation.  His eyebrows were raised like he was amused.

"I was just being nice!  Why can't anyone see that?" I defended.

"Oh my god I was right. This is what it feels like to be right. I've never felt this way.  It feels good not gonna lie," Finn was mumbling to himself but we both heard while he crossed his arms and was smiling.

"Ok this has been fun but I'm gonna take off now," Jacob said and he went to the doors but before he left he turned to me and quietly said, "If you change your mind, you have my number,"

"Hey dude!" Finn held his hands up to Jacob to warn that he was right there.

"Sorry," Jacob said before giving me a look like he still stood by what he said and he walked out the doors to the parking lot.  I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"Hmm would you look at that?" He smirked and I glared at him.  He walked towards me and I scoffed.

"Fine you were right.  Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.  Say it again," he wrapped his arms around me.

"Ugh maybe you should stop talking," I smirked and stood on my tippy toes.  He leaned down and pressed his lips into mine.  It was a slow and tender kiss.  We had open mouths against each other and he pressed harder into my lips.  Then we slowly pulled apart, letting the kiss linger.  I felt dizzy and limp.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I whispered, still out of air.  After I finally came from my daze, I sauntered out the doors, making sure to sway my hips, feeling Finn's eyes on me.


This was a pretty fun chapter and more fun to come. Please vote and love you ❤️

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