|twenty seven|

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|twenty seven|
2 days later : friday

Millie's POV

"Dang it. Are you kidding me?"

"What? What did you get?" Finn put his paper face down and looked over at me.

"A 90."

"What's wrong with that?" Finn looked around like he missed something.

"It's not a 100."

Finn scoffed with amusement.

"That's amazing Millie." He shoved his test in his backpack and threw it over his shoulder. It was the end of 2nd period.

"No it's not. I'm so mad myself." I kept staring down in disbelief at the 100% written in bold red pen. As if the number was trying to taunt me. "What about you?" I followed him out the door with my test in my hand. I didn't want to think about my score anymore.

"Nope. Nevermind."

"No tell me!"

"I did so much worse."

"Tellll meee," I tried making puppy dog eyes but he wouldn't look at me. He just walked, looking forward.

"You did so good."

"No I didn't." I shrunk back down into my seat.

"Shut up, yes you did," he rolled his eyes, while still looking forward.

"Finn tell me." I tugged his sweatshirt. I love when he wears sweatshirts. They radiate his and only his Finn smell.

"Don't judge..." he started looking over to me.

"I would never."

"A 70." He flipped his test over with a heavy slap on the table. I was silent for a while, unsure of how to respond.

"That's not-"

"It's terrible. And thanks for making me feel worse," he smiled and looked away again, putting his hands in his sweatshirt pocket.

"No no no!" I grabbed his arm harder this time so it came out of his pocket. "I'm just hard on myself. But I heard people do way worse than you."

"You got a frickin 90%? How?"

"I don't know. But you didn't do bad at all. It was a hard test." I was partially trying to convince myself too. I'm still disappointed. 90% is not good enough for me.


On my way to lunch, I saw Finn and sped through the crowd of people walking in the hallway. I snuck up behind him and tugged his backpack back. He turned around and...

It wasn't Finn.


The guy looked all confused and annoyed.

"Oh my god. I thought you were someone else. I'm so sorry." I apologized with wide eyes, backing away from him as students passed by us. He barely smiled but I saw him roll his eyes as he turned around.

"Millie Bobby Brown!" I heard the people he was walking with whisper something to him with smirks and a buzz of excitement.

"The most embarrassing thing just happened," I whispered, sitting in the spot that Sadie and Lilia saved between them our lunch table.

"Did you fall down the stairs in front of everyone?" Jaeden asked then looked at his bag of pretzels. "I've done that," he mutters to himself, but everyone at the table heard it, despite the extreme volume of the cafeteria.

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