|thirty five|

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|thirty five|
earlier that week

Finn's POV

Everyone always says it gets easier every day.

It's all bullshit.

It's not getting easier. In fact I feel worse the more that time passes. It's like the farther I get from the day he died, the less connected to him I feel.

And it kills me inside.

Bad use of words.

At least I'm alive.

Unlike him.

I need a distraction.

My skin feels like it's itching, crawling to do something to make me feel better.

back to present

Millie's POV

"Not possible." I was shaking my head vigorously.

"That's all I can think of."

"That's not Finn though." I met his eyes when he didn't respond. "Right?"

"I don't know anymore. You agreed that he doesn't seem completely himself."

"There's no way he's on drugs."

"Hey. I mean, I could be completely wrong, but-" He put his hands up. At this point we were both already facing each other on his couch with our legs crossed.

"Oh my god." My heart dropped at the memory that seemed like nothing at the time.


"Oh my god."


"Oh my-"

"Millie," he held my shoulders strongly, "what?"

"I saw these pills," his grip softened and his face made a confused expression like he was mentally struggling to put together a puzzle, "but there's no way..." I trailed off.


I admired his resiliency.

He was focusing so deeply on a math problem despite seeming emotionally drained. He looked exhausted with his eyes not open as wide as usual and he was tapping his pencil on his paper furiously.

"Can you hand me my calculator. It's in the small pocket." He asked half mindedly so I barely heard. Then we met eyes and I flinched when I realized I was staring.

The first thing my hand went to was something like a plastic bag. And indeed it was. A bag of maybe 8 white chalky round pills.

"What are these?" I asked, full of curiosity.

He looked up and his face automatically turned frantic for reasons I didn't know.

He crawled over and snatched the bag from my hands so rough that I jumped back.

"The-they're for allergies."

"It's not allergy season," I giggled into my hands although his face seemed panicked.

"Mine come at a weird time."



"So it's true." He settled back onto his spot on the couch.

"Please God I hope not."

"It'll be ok." He shrugged. "We'll just talk to him. He can stop if we help him."

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