|thirty eight|

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|thirty eight|
7 days later : friday

Finn's POV

I'm in that hazy purgatory where I can't feel anything; at least not human emotions.


Millie's POV

"What did your dad do to you?"

"What?" Jack snapped around to face me with an unsettling look.

"Your dad. How did he react to the missing bottle?"

"Oh, he wasn't that mad." Jack looked to his lap and began playing with his large sweatshirt sleeves.
"Listen, I have to get to science. My teacher's got a stick up her ass."

"That was weird."

"He's Jack. He's weird." Jaeden reasoned and Lilia whispered something in his ear that no one could hear. I'm glad their close with each other but can you stop the PDA at school? But then again, who am I to talk?

"How long has it been since he's talked to you?" Sadie was sitting cross legged across from me and obviously wanted to change the subject.


"Finn." Wyatt shook his head at me with a smile, adding himself to the conversation.

"It's been a few days. I don't want to push him. I've just never known someone going through this so I don't know how to help."

Finn hasn't showed up to school since Tuesday. Hopefully that is a good thing because it means that Finn can't buy any drugs from the people at school if he isn't there.

Ding dong.

"Oh, hi Millie." It had been my sixth ring of his doorbell before he had come to answer it. When the door finally swung open, my nostrils were intruded with a strong smell that I couldn't identify.

"What's been going on? I haven't seen you in a while." I welcomed myself in, walking past him half dressed in boxers and a plaid robe.

"Yeah, you know what? I haven't even seen the sun in a while." He made a childish yikes expression to me.

"Do you want to go on a walk or something? Get out of the house for a while?" No one else was home, I assumed.

"I'm not really dressed for an outing." He chuckled. His voice was thick with sleep.

"What is this?" I held up an empty shot glass that had remnants of clear liquid in it on the kitchen counter.

"Mom always said, 'yawn, stretch, drink.'" He walked towards me in long strides to take the glass from my hand.

"I'm pretty sure she meant water." I said standing with my hands on my hips watching Finn pour himself a shot glass of tequila with disappointment filling my eyes. Fear blocked my motivation to stop him.

"Whatever. Either way, it's some really good advice."

"Are you going to come back to school next week? I have your work that you missed from our classes."

"We'll see."

"Does your mom know you've been skipping? Or drinking at noon?" I sniffed the powerful scent in the empty shot glass and rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"I wanted to visit you during lunch."

"Tsk. You're too nice to me. I know how you feel about good grades. You should be at school."

dreaming |fillie au|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن