|thirty three|

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|thirty three|
normal life
9 days later: sunday

Finn's POV

What the hell? Why do I feel actually normal today. As if things are looking up. As if nothing happened.

I'm trying not to think about it at the moment because I know it'll just bring me back into that darkness.

And it's good timing because I planned a date for me and Millie for today. Mom seemed happy that I'm trying to go back to normal life. But I honestly think it's more of a distraction normal from life.

"You don't have to keep bringing me these. Did you steal them from someone's garden again?" Millie was making a mean grin while sniffing the bundle of sunflowers in her soft hands.

"No I learned my lesson. I actually bought these. Not many stores have sunflowers. You know? It's all roses and other flowers that I don't know the names of."

She stuck her tongue out and made a gagging sound like she was disgusted.

"Roses are cliche." She was still admiring the yellow petals.

Then she giggled, the beautiful sound that could break a heart and mend one at the same time.

"Ok open the basket." I gestured towards the picnic basket that was resting on our big blanket.

"Pineapple!" She screamed like a little girl opening her favorite present on Christmas.

"Sandwiches. Good. Lemonade. Good. Good job." She congratulated me and seemed impressed. I shrugged.

"Uhh I think you missed something."

"No." She pulled out a white box.

"Open it."

"I'm scared."

"You're so weird," I said while laughing and sitting up, "open it."

The vivid red and orange sky reflected on the silver circle that she held so elegantly in her hand. The sunset reflection added even more beauty to the small engraved sunflower on the necklace.

"Finn." She exhaled.

"Please tell me you like it." I studied her expression.

"You're kidding me? Of course I love it!" She swallowed me in a surprising hug.

"I'm glad. Sunflowers. Those are your flowers. You're a sunflower."

"And you Finn Wolfhard... are so cheesy." She giggled again.

"But I love it. So much. Thank you."

"Here." I kneeled behind her.

My fingers barely brushed against the smooth skin of her neck. She was warm even in the breeze that fell around us. Goosebumps faintly appeared on her golden skin under the areas I touched. It could have been from the light wind but I swear it was something else.

"I realized something today." I sat back down and she let her hair fall back perfectly around her shoulders.

"What's that?" She was chewing her sandwich while also smiling down at the sunflower necklace.

"You like a lot of yellow things. Sunflowers. Pineapple. Lemonade. It reminds me of you."

"What does?" She was sitting with crossed legs and was fully facing me, like an excited little girl.

"Yellow. It's all bright and sunny. Like... you." I looked at the basket, embarrassed.

I drove her home with her fragile hand intertwined with mine, resting on her thigh.

dreaming |fillie au|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ