|twenty eight|

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|twenty eight|
drunk teenagers
1 days later : saturday

Millie's POV

Ring. Ring.

"Ugh," My ringing phone had me jumping from my focus and my pencil rolling across the desk. I turned my phone over, muted it and not even glancing at whoever the caller was.

"So NH3 has to be a trigonal pyramidal." I turned my attention back to my homework.

Ring. Ring.

My phone exploded with life again.

"Oh. My. God." It was Sadie.

"Hello?" My annoyed tone, transitioning to worry.

"Hey girlie!" Are you kidding me? "Come to Chris's party." I knew that was coming.

"Sades, I'm doing homework."

"Millsssss, it's Saturday night-"

"Is she coming?" I heard Lilia say next to her. She didn't seem as drunk but then again, Lilia could handle her alcohol better than Sadie.

"Don't be lame." Sadie finished.

"Bye have fun-" I was about to hang up, not wanting to put up with them.

"Finn is here." She stopped me and immediately grabbed my attention at his name.


"Yep. So come here."

I don't really know why people consider me popular. Parties aren't my thing. In fact I've never drank, done drugs, or really done anything bad. So what does popularity come from? I mean sure I talk a lot at school. Is that why I'm 'popular'?

There was a party going on tonight as there usually is every other weekend. I always get invited but have no plans of ever showing up to one.

Of course I wasn't going. Why would I? That's not my scene. It was everyone else's though and I felt judged even by my best friends when I don't agree to do those things with them. When I don't take a swig from the bottle of tequila, I feel judgement radiating off of every one of my friends. But they don't get to dictate my life. If I don't want to drink, then I'm not going to. And I'm certainly not going to the party tonight.

"I'm not coming. I can hang out with you guys tomorrow."

"Everyone get out of my house right now!" I heard in the background on the phone. Then everything on the phone went dead silent.

"Hold on Mills." Sadie said.

"What's happening?" I spoke quietly for some reason even though I wasn't at the party.

Once I heard talking start again on the other end of the line, Sadie started, "Apparently some idiot let Chris's dog out, so he's pissed. He's kicking us out."

"Well good for Chris." I felt sympathy for his losing his dog.

"Can she come pick us up?" Lilia whispered but they were drunk so being quiet wasn't possible.

"No thanks," I interrupted.

"Please Mills," Sadie begged.

"Oh hey guys. How are you getting home?" That was Jaeden's voice next.

"Everyone get the fuck out! My dad is going to fucking murder me." Chris yelled again.

"Please Mills."

"Oh can Millie pick us up?" That was Wyatt next.

"Ooh yay, I've never officially met her." I'm guessing that was Wyatt's girlfriend, Sophia Lillis.

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