|twenty two|

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|twenty two|
4 days later : friday

Finn's POV

She put her hands in my hair and lightly pulled at it, bringing out a powerful urge in me. My hands were moving all over her perfect body. From her waist, to her back, to her hips. I couldn't get enough of her. The kiss was intense, messy, wet, hot. Her lips were so plump and smooth. Two little warm clouds.

We were currently in a bathroom before 3rd period started. All the bathrooms in the school are the usual big bathrooms with stalls for girls and separate bathrooms for boys. But there are 3 that are just gender neutral, single bathrooms. And we went there for privacy.

She brought her thigh up and pressed it against my side. I grabbed the back of it to keep it up and against me. I turned us around and pushed her against the wall. She let out a sigh of satisfaction as she hit the wall and our lips seperated for a moment. We went back together immediately even though we were out of breath. Her leg wrapped around me forcing me even more against her. Our chests were pressed hard against each other, us wanting to be as close as possible. I was worried she could feel my heart racing so quickly against her.

Knock knock knock.

Someone was at the bathroom door but our lips didn't separate. The person knocked again and I couldn't have cared less until she pulled away.

"We should go," she whispered, breathlessly. Her breath smelled like an oddly magical combination of spearmint and vanilla. It was probably her minty gum and her lip gloss flavor mixing.

"They can find another bathroom," I whispered before I went back for her lips. She was about to say something but I cut her off. So her mouth was partially open. I took that chance to slip my tongue in. She welcomed me instantly. Our tongues were pushing against the other's and playing together. She tasted sweet and I wanted more. Her hands went back to tangle in my curls. The knocking stopped so I guess the person finally left. She moaned against my mouth which drove me even more crazy. She was wearing shorts and I was still gripping her thigh. My hand was making its way up her leg and it slid up to her waist and I slightly lifted her shirt. I rested my hand on her bare waist, craving her smooth, warm skin. But then a terrible thing happened.

The bell rang.

It's like our mouths were glued together but she ripped them apart suddenly then. My tongue was still in her mouth so I was completely taken off guard when she pulled away and took her hands out of my hair.

"Ok let's go," she said but I couldn't stop. She was irresistible.

"Just a little longer," I breathed, leaning back in quickly.

"Finn," she put her hands on my chest and turned her head away to not let me go further.

"Millieeeee," I begged, leaning in again, ignoring her pause.

"I should get to english," she pushed my chest backwards. I took her hands from my chest and pulled them into my hands so our fingers were laced together. I brought them to the side of us so I could get them out of the way. My lips almost got to hers before she turned her head to the side again.

"We need to go to class. I don't want to be late."

"That was the first bell not even the late bell. You're such a goody-two-shoes." I whined.

"Let's go, we can continue this later," she finished, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. I tilted my head down and groaned into her shoulder, complaining that we had to stop. She giggled and separated our intertwined hands to lift my head off her shoulder. She held my face in her hands and her eyes were on my hair. I was trying not to smile at how cute she was while she was focused on fixing my messed up hair. Once she was done, she looked in the mirror to fix herself and I looked at her with a fake pouty face.

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