|twenty four|

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|twenty four|
3 days later : monday

Millie's POV

"We're in the middle of reading The Life of Pi. You'll catch up really quick on what we're doing. I agree with Mr. Harbour's choice to move you up a level."

"Thanks Ms. Purser," the boy said. I couldn't see his face because he was facing the teachers desk. I was eavesdropping on the teacher's conversation while we were supposed to be reading the book.

"You can sit next to Millie over there," she said and I lifted my head up.

"Millie raise your hand," Ms. Purser instructed and I did as she said so the boy could see who I was.

"Go sit next to her sweetie." She smiled at the boy. "She could use an advanced learner sitting next to her," Ms. Purser announced and the class giggled. I didn't. I looked back at the book and rolled my eyes while I gritted my teeth.

"Hi," he said interrupting my reading. Who am I kidding, I wasn't actually reading.

"Oh hi. I'm Millie," I stretched my hand out for him to shake to be polite. He shook it willingly.

"I'm Noah," he seemed younger than me. Noah sat down in the empty seat next to me. He introduced himself to the other people at our table group.

"Ms. Purser doesn't seem to like you very much," Noah chuckled.

"Let's just say we have a mutual dislike for each other," I whispered and he chuckled again which earned us glaring eyes from Ms. Purser. What else is new.

"So did you move up a level?" I kept my volume low still.

"Yeah I'm a sophomore but the principle thought I should move up to a junior class."

"Wow, maybe you could teach me your ways,"

"Maybe," he whispered. He seemed to want the conversation to end soon so we wouldn't get in trouble.


Finn's POV

"Hahaha!" Millie was laughing so hard and so loud with some guy when she walked into the cafeteria. She rested her hand on his arm as she kept laughing. She saw me and walked with the guy to our table.

"Oh my gosh. Finn. This is Noah Schnapp. He's so funny. He moved up to my english class. And guess what? He also moved up to our math class!"

"Oh cool man. Nice to meet you," I nodded my head up as I said hi.

"Ok I'm gonna go sit with my friends. See ya Millie,"

"Bye Noah!"

"And was it Phil?"

"Finn," I corrected him.

"Oh sorry bye Finn,"

"He seems nice," I smiled at Millie when she sat down.

"Yeah he's so nice. And funny,"

"Haha," I forced a laugh. "I'm sure he is,"

1 day later: tuesday

There's Millie's laugh again. She had the most adorable, contagious laugh I've ever heard. However, it wasn't comforting that I was hearing it because of the Noah kid.

We were in math and Noah sits behind Millie and Sadie. The girls were turned in their seats to face Noah and the three of them were silently laughing at something. Millie caught my eye and smiled. Obviously I smiled back but I really wished I could be next to her now.

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