|twenty one|

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|twenty one|
3 days later : monday

Millie's POV

Things were even weirder with Finn after he tried to stop being friends. Yeah it's not the best feeling because I want him back and he doesn't even want to be friends. But I can't handle not seeing him at all.

"What's this mean?" I asked Finn, pointing to random phrase written in my book. I didn't know the phrase but I mainly just wanted to say something to him. We were supposed to pick a spanish book and read it then write an essay about it. The phrase was me encanta tu ternura.

"I don't know. Hold on I'll look it up," he said, pulling his phone out.

"Oh," I cringed when he showed me his phone. We both started laughing.

"Millie, Finn! Is there something funny about this assignment?"

"No Mr. Montgomery." Our smiles faded and we mumbled at the same time.

"What are you reading?!" Finn leaned over, shocked by the weird phrase in my book.  My smile came back and we started laughing again. I coughed in my arm to disguise my loud laughing from the teacher. Thankfully he didn't notice and we went back to work.

I looked over and noticed a hair was misplaced after we were laughing so hard. Without thinking, I turned his head with my finger. I pushed the misplaced hair out of the way.

My eyes went down to his and I didn't realize until then that he was looking back into mine. His lips were slightly parted. I let myself melt into his luxurious brown sparkling eyes.

"What are you doing?" He whispered and he interrupted my daze. I forgot my fingers were still in his soft curly locks. I quickly pulled them out and turned back to the desk. Thank god no one noticed that. Except Finn. That was embarrassing but it felt really nice to touch his hair. It's like the spark between us was burning again.

I wonder if he feels it too.


"Are you and Finn seriously only friends now?" A nice girl said to me during english.

"Yeah we think it's better this way," I announced.

"But you guys were so cute!" Another girl said and then everyone's eyes were on me.

"Well it wouldn't work out," I replied.

"You never know," someone said.

I don't have a problem talking to people, but it was getting a little uncomfortable. I wanted to be with Finn but I don't want us to fight and break up. Which is what would inevitably happen if we kept fighting.


It was finally lunch. Since I didn't have my crutches or brace anymore, I could make it to lunch quickly. Finn, Jaeden and Wyatt were the only ones at the table so far. I was happy to sit next to Finn.

We were all talking about random things as the table started to fill up. Finn put his thigh against mine. He probably didn't mean it but I kept my leg there anyways. After awhile I pushed my leg a little more into his. We looked up to each other at the same time and he smirked. I looked away quickly, blushing.

"So I felt you touch my leg at lunch." Finn blurted when we were walking down the hall together after lunch. The halls were packed.

"Um, excuse me. You touched my leg first."

"That... was an accident."

"Oh it was?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah you're the one who pressed your leg into mine."

"Oh my god don't flatter yourself."

"So what about what happened in spanish?" He smirked and I didn't want to talk about that.

"Whatever you're so annoying."

"You didn't used to find me annoying."

"No you were always annoying."

"So there wasn't anything good between us?" He smirked.


"Oh please at least admit you liked the kissing," he shoved my shoulder. I was quiet for a few seconds before I responded.

"The kissing was great,"

"It was amazing."

"Do you ever miss it?" I questioned him and blushed at my own question. It was silent for a while and I started to think he wasn't going to respond.

Oh god. That was such a stupid thing to say.

"Millie, I don't want to call this off. I don't want to be just friends." He blurted. "We're great friends, sure. But we'd be amazing together. Can we please uncall this? And before you say no... Don't say no."

"I don't want to call this either," I smiled and didn't even realize I was saying those words, but they were true. People in the halls were starting to pay attention to us.

"Wait are you serious?" He looked shocked.

"Yes of course. I miss you way more than a friend,"

"Agh me too. That's why... Millie will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yeeees!" Before I knew it, I lunged at him and wrapped my arms around him, gathering him in a tight hug. It felt like it had been such a long time since I've held him. I heard so many 'awe's coming from others, especially girls. We looked around and I noticed people were holding their phones like they were filming. We looked into each others eyes. I was still hugging him tight and he cupped my cheeks, pulling my face towards his. Our lips connected so gently and I stood on my tippy toes to get closer. I forgot how soft his lips were and how warm his body was. My mind went blank. Guys were howling at us and everyone's eyes were on us.

But I didn't care because I had Finn back.


Woah why are my chapters getting so short. Also this chapter was soooo cringey I'm sorry. Aghhh. I'll try to make them better but hope you liked this and as always, love you all ❤️

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