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5 days later : monday

Millie's POV

It's been almost a week since me and Finn decided to just be friends. I'm not gonna lie, at first it was awkward. Sooo awkward. We didn't really talk to each other on Thursday except small talk.

On Friday, we talked a little more and joked around but there was still the tense air surrounding us.

We just had a weekend where we didn't talk at all and hopefully today will be better between us.

"Jesus Christ are we in Antarctica?" I announced because it was freezing in the science classroom and some students laughed. Including Finn.

"I don't get why they blast the air conditioning in this place, especially the science rooms," Finn mumbled.

"Me neither. I think they want us to freeze."

"Yeah that's their master plan," he smiled.

We went back to our work. It was getting a little easier to talk to him.

"Wait why is this," Finn pointed to something written in his notebook, "the equation for density?" He asked.

Has he seriously not been paying attention to this entire class? Silly Finn.

I leaned over and took his pencil to write on his paper. I probably didn't have to lean as far as I did but I wanted to touch his arm with mine. I missed him but it was too late. He said it felt right to call if off. Besides I'm the one who broke it off so I can't go back.

Anyways I wrote down some things and was pointing while talking through my explanation.

He nodded and I saw his adorable curls bounce in the corner of my eye.

"So clouds should definitely be called sky marshmallow," Finn smiled and shoved my shoulder when we were walking down the hallway.

"Ok sure," I said giggling.

"I'm so glad things aren't weird between us, you know?" I said.

"Yeah, like we can just be friends and it's completely comfortable." He replied.

"Totally! This is better," I lied.

"See you later," he said, going his own way to class.


Finn's POV

"Wait why is this," I pointed to my paper, "the equation for density?" I asked.

I knew the answer but I just wanted to talk to her without the awkwardness. And I know she's so smart that she wouldn't mind talking about a school problem. She explained it to me but I didn't really listen to her words. I was more focused on her beautiful voice and the way she smelled so sweet. The way she leaned so close, touching shoulders, and used my pencil instead of her own. I miss her. I want her back. She's a great friend but I need her more than a friend. I said it felt right to break if off but I wasn't serious. Why won't she let us be together?


"I don't know what to do guys," I was hanging out with the guys after school and we were playing fortnite.

"She already said... she just wants... to be friends... You can't... embarrass yourself by... saying you... want more," Wyatt was telling me but he was obviously distracted with playing the game.

"But I can't deal with just being her friend,"

"Then don't be. Stop being her friend if you can't handle it," Jaeden said. He could talk more clear because he wasn't playing. It was Jack and Wyatt playing.

"I can't just say I don't want to be friends with her."

"Well it would hurt less if you just ignore Millie instead of wishing you could be with her," Jaeden responded.

"You're so dumb. Why would I do that? I'm not an asshole," I said.

"Fine. Then by all means just keep dreaming of her while she doesn't care about you."

His logic made no sense but I can't keep going on like this. She only wants to be friends and I can't stop thinking of her and wanting her more to be more than my friend.

I had a lot to think about. Should I stop being Millie's friend just because I can't handle the fact that we can't be more? God that's confusing.

It took a long time to decide but I made up my mind. I think it will hurt less my way.

One day later : tuesday

After school, me and Millie usually walked to the parking lot together. I pulled her to the side to talk.

"I don't know how to say this, so I'm just gonna come out and say it. I don't think we should be friends."

"What?" She asked like she heard me wrong.

"I just think it was better before we were friends."

"What? I don't get it. Why?"

"It's been awkward to be your friend after everything. So I feel like we should just stop," I lied.

"Well I'm not gonna let that happen," she crossed her arms.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"You can't just decide that we can't be friends,"

"Why not? You decided that we couldn't be together." I shot back, "So I'm deciding we can't be friends."

"That was mutual." She said. She was wrong. I didn't agree but I was at a loss for words.

"But... you... why would you want to be friends with someone who doesn't want to be friends with you?" I asked.

"Because you're just being stupid. I'm not gonna let you ruin this friendship. We have something so special and weird and it's a friendship that people try their whole lives to find. So I'm not gonna let you throw it away... throw me away." Millie stood her ground and it was hard to argue.

"Fine." Was all I could say.

"We'll get through the awkward phase and be amazing friends again. Now go home and think about how stupid you're being. Get over it cause we're staying friends." She looked so adorable when she was being stubborn and bossy but it was making it so difficult. I just wanted to kiss her.

But I couldn't.


This is such a short chapter but I can't really think of what to write right now. Anyways hope you still enjoyed and will vote. Love you ❤️

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