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Landing in London was never something I imagined being able to live through. But as we exited the private jet, another thing I never thought would leave my mouth, I could'n't help but feel like everyone was staring.

Granted I'm sure some were, I mean we literally exited off of a private plane for God's sake, but that was not what the wandering eyes felt like.

I probably looked like I just had sex on a plane, I meant at least I tossed my hair up and I'm sure the mess could pass by as me simply being sleep deprived as most of these people seemed to be, but it still felt like they all knew my risky rendezvous and that was enough to make my stomach twist in knots and my head to lower so eye contact wasn't an option.

We passed through all the requirements and were almost immediately lead from the building by a man in a suit.

I was interested, I must say. The private ride was a nice touch I must say, but to be lead outside by a man who looked straight out of the Royal Family's personal staff was an entirely different thing.

As if people weren't looking now, the well dressed man now walking towards a limousine was an entirely different topic.

My eyes almost immediately widen as I turn to Finn only to see him grabbing our belongings which the man had offered to take but we'd politely declined. As kind as that was of him, I didn't want to seem like this was normal. Not that it's wrong, but I personally would rather have control of my own belongings.

I digress.

Finn loads the suit cases into the back and the man opens the door for me. I thank him wearily, still not sure this was actually happening, but it seemed to be.

Finn slides in next to me and finally looks in my direction since my discovery of this long vehicle being our ride to wherever the bell we were headed.

"Hello," Finn smiles cheekily as if this was a common occurrence.

I raise my eyebrows, "What else is up your sleeve? Because I'm never going to be able to pay you back for this," I say in near defeat, causing his face to falter slightly.

"You're never, and I repeat, never, paying me back Philomena. I'm not doing this because I feel like I have to, or because I think you'd want it. Because I know you'd never ask for any of this. But I'm doing it because I truly want to, and you deserve every second of all of this. Don't ever, think you'll repay me for anything. Okay?"

I was stunned. Sure, Finn says philosophical shit all the time and it just makes you drop to your knees in more ways than one, but in this circumstance, it made me truly feel a sense of love. I know he loves me. He's made that plenty clear, but this spoiling made me feel like I was taking advantage.

"You shouldn't have to spend money on me, Finn," I sigh, placing my hand on his cheek lovingly. I was truly giving up on asking him to dial it down. And it wasn't because I was unappreciative, I was entirely in love with the fact that he was doing all of these things, but let's be real here. What happened months ago, was never fair to either of us. So much shit happened at the hand of his fortuned parents and the money in his trust fund. It was the source of our previous problem and clearly I can't blame the entirety of it on the money, we were fucked up in our own ways, but I can't help but feel like we were taking advantage and the money he's come by shouldn't be spent on extravagant things.

"But I will continue to for as long as you're mine. Can we just drop it, please? I don't want to get into some sort of argument, Mena," he sighs, nuzzling his head into my hand.

As much as I wanted to completely reject that and have an entire conversation listing off all the reasons I shouldn't be treated like this, I didn't want to really ruin our trip, or the day of this poor innocent man who'd been listening to us for the past few minutes while he waits to pull out into the traffic.

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