Although he is terrified and nervous all at once Timothée still manages to knock on the Cohen family's huge front door. His knuckles knock softly on the wood but he then comes to the realization that nobody in this huge house will be able to hear his soft knocks so he rings the doorbell awaiting the door to fly open and sure enough it does.
Andrew, the butler, opens the door with a stern face and Timmy sends him a nervous smile but doesn't receive one back. Timothée and Andrew had met multiple times when Timothée would pick Daisy up from her house during the summer however, Andrew still hadn't warmed up to him yet. Andrew motions for him to enter and he finds Daisy's three older brothers, each sharing a similarity with her, standing by the door. They were just like her, whether it was in their appearance or their personality, they were all so similar.
Kaden who is the oldest of the siblings has Daisy's hazel eyes, extremely similar to hers but her's seem to glimmer more when the sun hits them, he also shares her sense of humor. As for Harvey, he shares her light brown hair, exactly the same color whereas both Kaden and Pierre have darker hair. Lastly Pierre shares a lot of similarities. He has the same soft wavy hair and freckles dotted all over his nose, whereas her freckles can be found on her cheeks. However, Pierre's eyes are as blue as the ocean and his personality is no where near Daisy's. But they are the closest siblings, especially in age.
Timothée stands before them extremely intimidated. He'd met them on more than one occasion over the summer and said his hellos but every time he'd stand in a room with them alone he'd lose his shit. 'Umm is Daisy ready?' He asks trying to make it not as awkward between them but Harvey seems to dismiss his attempt. 'You can wait, she'll be down.' Harvey says this to shut the boy up and it works because he takes a seat on the couch feeling defeated as always.
Someone's footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs and Timmy stands expecting Daisy but instead it's her parents wearing welcoming smiles unlike their three terrifying sons. 'Welcome, welcome.' Says Mrs. Cohen her hands outstretched for the boy.
He lets her hold him in her arms and once she pulls away Mr. Cohen, Daisy's father does the same. 'You look so handsome, I see why Daisy chose you to go with her.' Says Mrs. Cohen surprising Timothée. 'Yes, you and Daisy do suite each other quite well.' adds her father and Timothée is left shocked . He had never met Daisy's father. He'd only met her siblings and her mother because Mr. Cohen had always been at work when he'd come around.
He'd expected him to be twenty times more intimidating then Kaden, Harvey and Pierre but it seemed he was nothing but nice. Of course he looked intimidating as well. He was way taller then Timmy, he basically towered over him. And he was very muscular for a man his age yet he still wore the most welcoming grin as he studied the boy standing in his living room.
Before they know it Daisy is making her way down the stairs catching everyone's attention. Her brothers finally wear smiles instead of scowls as they see their younger sister descending the stairs in a beautiful red velvet dress. It was long but it was cut open on the side revealing her right leg. She looked gorgeous as she finally reached the bottom of the stairs.
'I told you that dress would suite you.' Says Pierre happily. He just had to point out that he helped her pick out the beautiful dress. Daisy smiles and at this point her cheeks are as red as her dress.
'Thanks Pierre, I owe it all to you. Now can we please get going, Timmy has probably been criticized to the max at this point.' She says assuming her family were punishing the boy whilst she was up in her room. however he shakes his head politely. 'No it's fine Daisy really.' He tells her.
Her mother begs to take a picture of both of them and they both comply smiling for the camera. Kaden can't help hiding his smile as he sees how happy his sister looks. They finally leave the house and once Timothée slams his car door shut he lets out a sigh. Daisy laughs in understanding of his position. 'I'm sorry I'm saying this so late Daisy but I just didn't want to say it in front of your brothers.' He takes a deep breath and takes a moment to really look at the girl sitting beside him looking purely beautiful.
She wore light to no make up yet she was shining under the night sky sitting in the passenger seat of his car. 'You look extremely beautiful.' He says his tone sounding very serious because he didn't want her to think he was messing around when he said this. He needed her to know he meant it and Daisy shies away from him, her attention mostly focused on her hands that were laid across her lap.
'Stop it don't say that Timmy.' The boy laughs confused with her response.
'Why not? It's true.' But the girl looks at him, seeming quite sad which was not his intention at all.
'Because to you it doesn't mean the same thing that it means to me.' He doesn't know what she is referring to but he wants to ask, to figure her out. However she has played a song and averted her attention to the window.
The tension is gone once they both start singing the lyrics of some of their favorite songs. They then arrive at the winter formal and Timmy thinks it's a good idea to take her hand. To her it means the world, but he doesn't know that. They make it inside and Timothée admires the way Daisy greets all of her friends with smiles and hugs. Her good energy being passed on from one person to the next.
She notices that his hand never leaves hers as she greets people and hugs people and she doesn't want to be the one to pull away. They find Skylar jumping towards them with Josh seeming quite happy compared to the last time they saw her. 'Skylar you look stunning.' Says Daisy beaming at her best friend. Josh nods in appreciation of the girl in his arms and it makes Daisy's heart flutter.
Her best friend might have been mad at her for telling Josh about her feelings towards him, but it worked out for the best because now that Josh knew about Skylars feelings towards him he could finally be open with her. Daisy watched in admiration and once the two left she turned to Timmy. 'Ugh I wish I had what those two have.' She tells him. His heart sinks because he wishes he could give her what she wants but he can't, no.. he won't.
Although Timmy was not planning to tell her about his feelings towards her through words, he somehow wanted to show her through his actions. To let her know she meant more to him then just being his best friend. So he pulled her with him to the dance floor and she happily let him lead her. 'Would you care to dance with me Miss Cohen?' He asks slightly bowing his head.
Daisy smiles, nodding as the boy wrapped his arms around her waist. The songs they'd been playing were all upbeat but this one was slow, very slow and very romantic. The kind a couple that were madly in love would dance to in a movie. Although Daisy knew in her mind that they were not that couple from the movies she still let him hold her in his arms as they both swayed to the music.
It wasn't until she finally found his green eyes that she realized what her best friend had been telling her all along. Timothée wore an expression, one she'd never taken notice of when he'd look at her. It was as if she was the only girl in this room. As if she was all he saw. He gave her goosebumps, the good kind and she thought it was the perfect moment for him to kiss her, to tell her how much he loved her. But once again she reminded herself, this wasn't the movies.
And he wasn't hers to have.
Lowkey love this chapter. Hope you enjoyed :)
And thank you guys so so so so much for 1k reads. It means so much that people are actually reading this. <333
question: am I updating too frequently?

Desire ☆ Timothée Chalamet
FanfictionDaisy Cohen, a 17 year old with a dream is finally getting recognition for her amazing leading role in an indie film. Her entire life is changing, and with it come the ups and downs. The upside is she gets to be friends with the Hollywood heartthro...