| 23 | packing and panicking

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It had been a total of three days since Daisy had heard from Timothée. She went to and from school on her own, with no spontaneous adventures, no text message about the night they had shared. Nothing at all.

Daisy had tried calling and texting his cell but he ignored her either way. At first she was worried, thinking maybe something had happened to him but after calling his house phone and hearing Nicole tell her that Timothée had been over for lunch the past few days Daisy realized he was avoiding her.

It reminded her of her ex boyfriend, after he had sex with her he didn't speak to her for the entire weekend. However, this was slightly different. They only shared a kiss, it was just a kiss why would he ignore her? What had she done wrong?

She began to dial his number, putting it to her ear and listening to it ring over and over again. Pierre enters her room frantically and she is frightened at the sight of him. 'You scared the shit out of me.' She says laughing however once she gets a good glimpse of his face her stomach drops and she feels her heartbeat quicken.

'What is it? What happened to Harvey?' She asks, a part of her is slightly happy because it had been a while since she worried about Harvey. For a long time now she only felt numb but feeling her heart churn at the sight of Pierre's expression was a good sign that the numbness was going away and in it's place came pain.

'It's not Harvey. It's Dad.' Pierre says, a tear rolling down his cheek. Daisy doesn't say another word, she is shocked at the words that escaped Pierre's mouth. The ringing in her ears stops and is replaced with the sound of Timothée's voice.

'Hello.' Daisy begins to lower the phone from her ear.

'Hello?' She hears his voice still, but it's muffled.

'Daisy? You there?'

*call ended*


Timothée finds himself walking towards Pauline's room. He was visiting his parents apartment a lot lately because his sister Pauline was back in town and after the mysterious phone call he had with Daisy he couldn't help but barge into his sisters room.

Pauline doesn't say anything she just lets him sit on the couch and patiently waits for the words to erupt out of him. 'So, I didn't tell you this but I kind of kissed Daisy.' Pauline's eyes grow wide.

Timothée had told her of a girl he had grown close to over the summer but she cannot recall him saying he had feelings for her. Nonetheless she lets him continue. 'I always had feelings for her so I kissed her on her birthday three days ago and then I chickened out and I ignored her.' Once again, Pauline has a puzzled look on her face.

'You ignored her? Why would you ignore her? Was the kiss bad?' Pauline asks sending her younger brother a confused expression.

'No the kiss was amazing.' Timothée admits, with a frown on his face. Pauline shakes her head in disappointment.

'Then why the fuck would you ignore her.' She says outraged. If he admitted that the kiss was good then why shut her out, and avoid her for three days? It made no sense to Pauline who was trying to wrap her head around it.

'Because I'm afraid I'll fall even harder for her.' Timothée admits defeatedly.

'Why is that a bad thing?'

Timothée pauses, a sad expression on his face. 'I don't know. I guess it's just because I'm afraid.'


Kaden stuffs Daisy's clothes into her suitcase frustratedly. She'd been crying for the past hour in Pierre's arms so Kaden felt like the least he could do was help her pack her things. 'Daisy come on you're going to get a headache just hold it together, this isn't easy on any of us.' Says Kaden receiving a glare from Pierre who was rubbing Daisy's back to comfort her.

'I already have a headache, it won't make any difference if I stop crying.' Daisy says escaping Pierre's grip and walking towards the bathroom to wash her face. She closes the door behind her staring at the mirror and allowing more tears to escape her eyes.

It was all happening way too fast. The news was dropped on her like a bomb and she could not handle it, none of it. Just an hour ago Pierre had entered her room to give her the bad news and now she was nothing but a fucking mess.

Apparently, from what Pierre was told her mother and father were in Los Angels for a meeting but her Dad got sick and instead of letting their children know of their father's sudden sickness, Julie Cohen took her husband James to the hospital for a check up. It took two days in the hospital for the doctors to figure out that James Cohen had cancer in his liver and needed to get treatment as soon as possible.

Julie called her oldest son Kaden, who told Harvey, who told Pierre, who then told Daisy. Harvey didn't wait for anyone, he got on the first plane to Los Angeles and met up with them there. As for the rest of the siblings they were packing their things to catch the closest flight.

'Daisy come on, we need to get to the airport.' Kaden brings Daisy out of her thoughts and she is able to wipe the tears away and exit the bathroom. She didn't even care to check inside her suitcase and see what Kaden had thrown in it. It didn't matter to her, nothing mattered except for getting on that plane and seeing her father.

She prayed to god he was okay.

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