Being that they have not spoken to each other in a long while Timothée found himself to be extremely nervous as he walked to the coffee place they used to go to every week. It felt like he was meeting her for the first time all over again, his body shuddered but he wasn't sure if it was due to the cold winter breeze or his extreme nerves.
Once he reaches the place he finds that Daisy is seated in a booth with a coffee cup in her hand warming up her presumably cold fingertips, another coffee cup was sprawled out in front of her on the table probably for Timothée. He approaches her and once her eyes find his she stands up and he can't help put pull her in for a hug.
His arms wrap tightly around her and she rests her head on his chest taking in the scent of him. He smelt of cotton and soap, a scent that she always associated with him and once they pull away Timothée seems uneasy as he takes in the sight of her. Just getting a good look at her the realization that he missed her presence so much hits him like a truck and he frowns. 'It's been a while since I've seen you.' Timothée starts, a solemn look on his face. 'Are you okay?' He asks taking a seat in front of Daisy and reaching for his cup to take a sip of it, taking another small moment to appreciate the rich taste of the coffee and how warm it made him feel.
'Yeah I'm good.' She says removing her gaze from him and looking at her cup, this indicated to Timothée that she was definitely being dishonest.
Based on her low voice and her inability to keep eye contact with him, Timothée knew she wasn't being truthful. 'And your dad.. how is he?' he asks tilting his head slightly to the side. Daisy stays quiet for the moment but then she manages to look into Timothée's eyes and he notices that the pain in her eyes had gotten worse since the last time he had seen her.
'He's okay. He's been better though.' Daisy states avoiding all eye contact once again. All Timothée wanted to do in that moment was hold her, make her forget about all the stupid shit he'd done and take her mind off all the problems in her life. But he knew she was far past gone now, her eyes said it all and so did her face and for some reason he couldn't help but blame all of it on him.
'I wish I could have been there for you, through it all.' There's a bit of tension in the air and Daisy does not know how to reply. 'my movie stops filming next week.' he adds on, but Daisy shakes her head at him.
'My movie starts filming next week.' She sighs loudly. 'I'm going to miss a few days of school even though I'm already so behind but I'll push through it.' Timothée feels a blade go through his heart. He wanted to scream in agony for her, to do something for her, but it wasn't in his power.
This girl already had to juggle her brother's addiction, then cancer had to be thrown at her family, and a whole bunch of school work and now a movie in the midst of it all. Not to mention the shit that Timothée did to her, it made him feel so guilty and so angry, and those two emotions did not mix well with Timothée because he couldn't help himself when his eyes began to glaze with tears.
'Hey.. hey timmy. No please don't cry.' Her eyes widen with shock and she plops her drink down and stands up heading to his side of the table and sitting beside him. She holds the back of his head, pulling him towards her in an embrace. Timothée can't help but let out the cries that he had been holding inside of him for so long, as he waited weeks and weeks for her to return, so they could fix things and so things could go back to normal. 'Timmy don't cry... why are you crying?'
Eventually he manages to pull away from her and his eyes are red and teary and it makes Daisy's heart wrench. No matter how angry she felt before, seeing him like this did not settle well for her. 'I'm sorry. I just.. I missed you so much and I feel like I've been such a shitty person to you and I'm so sorry for that.' Daisy pouts at him placing both of her hands on his cheeks and shaking her head vigorously at him.
'No timmy stop, this isn't all your fault. I over reacted too. I mean, we weren't dating and you had every right to be with someone else. I was just hurt.' But Timothée won't let her take the blame for this one. Especially not when she had so much to carry on her shoulders already.
'No Daisy. I was such a jerk and I didn't think about how it might affect you and I just.. I want you to forgive me.' he pleads looking deep into this girl's eyes and this time Daisy did not look away. She stared at him, her gaze never leaving his and she nodded.
'I forgive you Timothée, it's okay.' And with that she closes her eyes leaning into him, her hands still cupping his face and she places a short but sweet kiss on his lips. Timothée cherishes the moment and once she pulls away he can't help but grin slightly at the sight of her, looking so beautiful right before his eyes. She then begins to wipe the tears from his cheeks and he starts to wonder why he has been fearing this for so long. Because this was what he had desired for months now, her touch, her soft kiss, her gentle voice. All of it. And this time he wasn't going to lose her because of fear.
Not going to lie this chapter was really fun to write. I don't know, I couldn't help but picture it all in my head and it just really warmed my heart how much he cares for her.
Plus I feel like crying over how shitty he has been is such a Timmy thing to do. He is such a nice genuine person that being indecent is probably so wrong for him that he will cry and breakdown.
Anyways hope you enjoyed ;)

Desire ☆ Timothée Chalamet
FanfictionDaisy Cohen, a 17 year old with a dream is finally getting recognition for her amazing leading role in an indie film. Her entire life is changing, and with it come the ups and downs. The upside is she gets to be friends with the Hollywood heartthro...