I : campus clown

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timeline : 2014


i sat on the cafeteria table alone after i ordered japchae and a can of softdrink. this place is really crowded but i have no choice but to eat here because we're not allowed to go outside school premises.

i looked around while chewing my food, on the other table there are jocks talking about sports or whatever they like while their clingy girlfriends who wear too much makeup holding their arms like their life depends on it. while me well, alone.
i rolled my eyes in annoyance, i dont need anyone, i'll only live for myself. i don't understand why everyone wants to be in a relationship. it's a burden to me.

"oh, hey soojin! still alive, i see." my head turned immediately after hearing her name. who is she? the cafeteria that is full of gossips are now full of silence. every inch and corner of this place.

she was in a messy bun. wearing a fitting top that emphasizes her body curves. there's a few girls at the back of her, about three maybe. the students stepped aside as she walks into my direction? why are they praising her like that? is she a princess? a queen? an empress? a diety?

i was mistaken of my idea that she was into my direction. she stopped in a table in front of me with a girl beside her who was in a red lipstick like her. i overheard their conversation while eating, i didn't intend to listen but they're loud, and besides they're in front of me.

"school started two weeks ago why did you come just now?" the girl beside her asked.

"i'm busy," soojin answered, yawning.

"busy what?"

"hmm. bar hopping, drinking, sleeping and oh dating here, dating there, dating everywhere."

i choked on my food when i heard her say that, i already expected that she is that kind of girl, but i didn't expect her to just say that with no shame. well, may shame be bestowed upon her. while i was busy coughing the heck out of me, i noticed that some of the students were looking at me. including soojin and her friends.

this is awkward. did i cough that loud? my bad. quickly, i finished my drink and walked away. but before i went out i heard her say,


while i was walking past on the hallway, i can't still forget that girl in the cafeteria. her face looks kind of innocent, baby faced to be exact. but i didn't expect her characteristic to be like that. i admit it. she's pretty. ugh! why i am thinking about her? the bell rang so i hurried and went to my classes. forget that girl indeed. but wait, what was her name again? soojin? hmm.

"so class, based on your observation of what we have here, can you conclude atleast something?"

i raised my hand.

"yes? mr.,"

"lee. lee huitaek."

"ok mr. lee, what can you conclude?"

"of what we have here, ca--"

before i finished saying the door slammed so hard. the girls shouted in shock and even boys. count me in. who would do such thing in the middle of classes? especially in the middle my recitation. whoever it was, i will never let that pass.

"that shocked me!"

"who would dare to do that?"

"maybe it's her again."

she walked inside confidently like nothing happened earlier. some of my classmates were not so surprised at all. maybe they're already used in it. she scoffed as she walks towards her seat. at the back where usually unkind girls seat. wait, did i just called her unkind? aish, lee huitaek you're being judgemental again. but still, she deserves to be like that.

i turned my gaze to my seatmate that is sleeping. why are they like this? i saw his name written on a piece of paper. kim hyojong. i hope he won't be mad if i wake him up.

i poked his face. "dude."

no response so i tried once again but this time, i pinched him. his head tilted and finally he woke up.

"i did nothing wrong!" he suddenly screamed out of the blue. i was surprised to his scream and his looks. i didn't get a good look at it earlier because he's sleeping but man, he looked horrible. his eyes are very puffy and also the bags under his eyes are visible. i never met someone like him, is he on drugs or what?

"calm down. i was just about to ask you something." i said.

he rubbed his eyes and seems like he slept the whole time but how come his eyebags are still black as a coal. i am not insulting him. i'm just stating the truth here just so you know.

"sorry. what are you going to ask?" he said, yawning. he seems like a kindergarten boy. nah, someone fits that role perfectly.

"who's that girl over there?" i said, pointing the girl-who-slammed-the-door. she was busy applying her red lipstick on her plumpy lips. she looks like a clown putting too much makeup. if the kids were only here.

"ah, the campus queen." hyojong answered.

campus clown suits her more

"did you said something?" i just shooked my head.

i was about to ask hyojong another thing when our proffesor interfered. ah, why do this always happen when i was about to ask something important. i have no choice but to listen. having this scholarship is a big advantage to me.

"we're gonna continue our discussion tommorow because miss seo soojin interrupted it." our professor said, emphasizing the seo soojin. what a nice name. it would be better if it's bimbo soojin. an attractive but stupid woman named soojin.

"everyone can go out now, except for you, ms. seo soojin. goodbye class."

we came out one by one but i turned my gaze to soojin first. she just rolled her eyes. such a bimbo.

"i'm just gonna tell you everything about her tommorow. lunch. cafeteria." hyojong whispered to me before going out. while bimbo soojin is still on the room, roaming her eyes around while our professor is still lecturing her. its seems like she's tired, hearing those words everytime. if she doesn't want to be lectured anymore she should stop being a bimbo.


i went inside the house and closed the door. but to my surprise mom was here. it's surprising that she came back.

"hui! you're here! i've already prepared dinner. let's just wait for your dad."

"you wait for him yourself, alone." i said coldly and went upstairs. why did she even came back?

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