XXVIIII : craving

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"how's it?" she asked me as we got off the vikings. so that's called a vikings, huh.

"uhm..," i gulped.

"hui, are you okay? do you want some water?" she sounds worried. i shouldn't make her feel worried because of me.

i nodded at her. "stay seated here, okay? i'll just buy a bottle of water for you."

"here, drink this." she handed to me and drank it. ah, it feels good. i was about to puke earlier, thank goodness i didn't.

"thank you." i returned the water to her and wiped the corner of my lips.

"uhm, sorry for making you ride that." she sounded apologeticly.

"no, it's okay. i'm totally fine with it. stop worrying, okay?" i told her and she nodded.

"aiseukeurim meogeo gallae?"

soojin held my hands and brought me to a ice cream stall.


"what flavor do you want?" she asked while looking at the menu above, still holding my hands.

"i'll go with mocha." i said firmly.

"we'll have 1 mocha and 1 strawberry, please." she said to the vendor.

"we have a promo for couples that is only valid today. if you buy two large strawberry ice cream, there will be a free couple keychain and a coupon for the photobooth."

we looked at each other,  "we're still not--,"

"we only have this promo once a month," the vendor insisted, "plus, you look a good couple. you'll last forever."

the vendor was good at convincing people so we ended up having that promo. soojin was very happy upon eating the large strawberry ice cream. she must've like strawberries.

"thank you, please come again next time. the photobooth is in this way. stay strong!" the vendor said before we went to the photobooth.

"wow, the keychain looks so cute!" soojin exclaimed seeing the keychain. it was a girl doing a half heart sign and mine was also a boy doing a half heart sign. she paired it up together and it was a couple doing a heart sign.

she handed the coupon to a staff and we went inside the photobooth. it was very small so we ended up squeezing at each other.

"one, two, three, smile hui."

"the photos came out prettily!" she giggled as we got out of the photobooth. "this one looks good!"

she pointed out a photo wherein i was looking at her, smiling. it was a simple photo, yet it radiates a lot of emotions. it was full of love, sincerity and purity.

"i'll have the other one. this was our first photo together so i must keep it safe." i said and pulled out the other photo strip from her hands.

"wanna ride the ferris wheel?" i asked her.
she gave me a confused yet teasing look.

"are you sure?" she teased me.

"of course! that's a lot better than that vikings." i defended and she agreed.


"h-hui," she clung tightly into my arms as the ferris wheel was nearly at the top.

"do you have an aerophobia?" i asked her and she nodded.

"i-i didn't expect this to be this high." she said with her voice, shaking.

"why didn't you tell me? we should haven't rode this." i grumped.

"i-i wanted to ride in this because i also wanted to overcome my fears. this has been one of my insecurities before and i can't overcome it because everybody knows me as a brave bimbo girl. you're one of the persons that knows me better and have seen the different sides of me. i can only show this side of me to you."

"just hold my hand tightly, i will help you to overcome this. i should also do what you did to me." i explained to her and held my hands tightly as i what i said.

"now, try to relax yourself and calm your mind. try to think that you're not in a ferris wheel, think that you are in cloud nine." she followed what i said obediently.

"okay, now close you eyes and stand with me." i said and held her tightly.

"i-i'm scared, hui," she whined, "i'm so scared, i can't do this."

she was shaking and sat back. i tiptoed in front of her and held both of her hands. "soojin, trust yourself first that you can do this then trust me that i can help you."

"hui," she faced me with her crying face.
i wiped her tears away.

"stop crying, please. it breaks my heart upon seeing you cry. if you can't do it now, maybe later or sooner. gather up more courage so that you can overcome it later on. i'm always here to support and cheer you on." 

"i can't be sure if i can do this with you again, you will be very busy soon so i want to do this now. i will do it. i can do it." she said bravely. that's one of the traits that i like about her. she may be brave but that doesn't mean that she will be brave all the time. she's also a human being like us after all.

"that's it. trust yourself." i encouraged her and she stood up with me.

i guided her near the window and i can feel her hands tightly holding on mine. an unexplainable electricity-like flowed from my hand since she started holding my hands. it was a brand new feeling to me, like i haven't felt it before.

"open your eyes slowly and breathe out." i commanded her and she did so.

"i-it's beautiful, it's so beautiful!" she exclaimed seeing everything from above. everland is a very huge place with many attractions. the whole view was very pleasing in the eyes, gyeonggi-do is such a beautiful province indeed.

"that's what i told you, you just have to trust yourself to overcome your fears." i advised her.

i heard her sniff. "why are you crying again? are you scared?"

"nope, i was just happy and overwhelmed. this felt like another achievement that i had. overcoming my fears with you is what makes me happy." she said and smiled.

a smile from her that i have been craving for.

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